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Audio Engine Dropout (2)

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I am running into an error that is keeping me from recording, Audio Engine Dropout (2). It happens just a few minutes into opening any file/song. 

I lose all playback and recording ability. I can still get my instruments through the interface to the reference monitors, but not into the PC. All Inputs are properly assigned. All MIDI controls are unchecked.


Tascam US-1800 interface

Windows 10 Pro

16 G installed RAM

Sampling Rate is 96000

Buffer size is 10.0 msec/960 samples

Driver Bit Depth = 24

Driver Mode - WASAPI Shared (options include - WDM/KS, WASAPI Exclusive, ASIO, MME 32B)


Thoughts appreciated.



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From the CbB docs:

Audio Engine Dropout (2) = Buffer underrun while processing or error writing record buffers.
Possible CPU overload or driver malfunction. Increase latency and check disk status.

Try increasing buffer size.

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13 hours ago, Aaron Mooney said:

Driver Mode - WASAPI Shared (options include - WDM/KS, WASAPI Exclusive, ASIO, MME 32B)

Welcome to the forum.
Is that TASCAM's ASIO driver or just some random ASIO driver on your computer? If possible, an ASIO driver made for your device by the interface's manufacturer is usually the best solution.
It looks like the most recent driver for the 1800 is from 2014.

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16 hours ago, Wookiee said:

@Aaron Mooney any particular reason for not using the Tascam ASIO driver? What is the CPU, cores, threads and clock speed. 

Driver Mode - WASAPI Shared  is possibly overloading. Your workspace is probably set on 64bit DPE with 96 sample rate you say and Audio data render bit depth is probably 32bit would need a high rate buffer of 512 at least (more over load) when not using dedicated ASIO like Wookiee suggests. When you have many track and plugins etc overloading CPU on top of buffer you will get dropouts on majority of systems without dedicated drivers. 

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