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Was Sonar Plat last TTS-1 version?


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I'm not aware of any updates to TTS-1 since it was was ported to x64 and can't imagine that Roland would have fixed/upgraded anything since the Bandlab acquisition. But only someone with an un-updated installation of CbB with TTS-1 still intact could tell you for certain.

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It's in the videos =  how to save it for the future. 

These are the links:

Goodbye TTS-1 -Solutions- https://youtu.be/Zw-UqrMmF0A

No TTS-1 No Problem- https://youtu.be/kF3tEttGdIQ

How I saved the TTS-1 from Death by Sonar- https://youtu.be/gDm9AhrTbfk

And the TTS-1 has been the same for  20 years now. The version that came with CbB is dated 2004.




Edited by John Vere
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FWIW I searched my PC for TTS-1.dll files.  I have some from various dates ranging from 2009 to 2013.  The one that's in my C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared DXi\TTS-1 folder is from 11/9/2010 3:33 PM and shows up in Windows as 5,973 KB. I have no idea if that's the version that CbB installed or if it's just the one the CbB migration selected from what my PC already had (or from a retro-installation of an earlier version of SONAR).  

Since it works for me, I am not planning on swapping it out for one of the others I have.  I trust science only to a point and I don't want to risk trying one of the other TTS-1.dll files just for the sake of scientific curiosity.  ? 

Hope this helps.


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If you look at my screen shot it shows as version 1.00. The laptop it is on was rebuilt a year ago. It is safe to assume that Version 1.0 is what you would find if you did a fresh install of Sonar 5-6-7 etc. on a computer that has never had a Cakewalk product installed before. 

For sure Gibson would not have paid Roland to update it. What’s to update? Like the Sonitus effects these are solid built and it’s really shows how good DX was. 
I think only Windows will eventually kill it.  
The sad thing is all these GM midi players are 20 year old tech. 

I think Synth font is possibly the only one sort of maintained. 

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9 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

well, some people need at least 5 videos to fully know the answer. ? you cannot get to 80/20 with only 3 videos. c'mon man!

Excuse me for asking a simple question on the CAKEWAK forum instead of watching 3 videos? Like I was suppose to know all the videos John made?  Jeeezzz!

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