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Where is the new Cakewalk Sonar?

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11 minutes ago, John T said:

As a side note to that, though: I haven't yet signed up for the Backstage Pass thing, because I agree with the general feeling that there's not enough clarity on what's happening.

I mean, go to the Bandlab homepage, and tell me how many clicks it takes you to get to *any* information at all about Next and Sonar. It's like they don't exist.

I'm kind of going to need the company to show a bit more enthusiastic support for their product before I put any cash down.


but their product is the subscription, sonar is just a part of that

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1 minute ago, pwal³ said:

the subscription, sonar is just a part of that

and i guess they're looking at how many subs are actually using sonar, versus the other apps (primarily phone/web)

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5 minutes ago, pwal³ said:

ancient sonar users

I am 59 years old and I produce, compose and arrange both for my production company and for third parties and it is fun to go and see the average age of producers, composers and ghost producers of hits from 10 years to today😆

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all the successful singers (seem to) have at least ten producers per track, singers are the ideal music product right now, rather than bands, follow the money as usual 🤷‍♀️

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22 minutes ago, John T said:

As a side note to that, though: I haven't yet signed up for the Backstage Pass thing, because I agree with the general feeling that there's not enough clarity on what's happening.

I mean, go to the Bandlab homepage, and tell me how many clicks it takes you to get to *any* information at all about Next and Sonar. It's like they don't exist.

I'm kind of going to need the company to show a bit more enthusiastic support for their product before I put any cash down.


Go to the top of this page and click on Other Links-Cakewalk|Home and then the Sonar tab.  At the bottom of that page is the link to download.  You can tell that Sonar is now active and available.  It may not have all the answers you're looking for, but it has more information than you've provided ;)

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54 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

i think we should remember - Bandlab bought the SONAR product intellectual property from Gibson

We do. We should also remember the letter by Bandlab sent April 13, 2018. Do we? If some "forgot", take a look here:


In original April 12th 2018 Bandlab's letter, "decades" were clearly mentioned. To keep their promise, technically  they have to have Cakewalk available at least till April 13th 2028. Whatever will happen to Sonar licensing that remains a mystery... and their business. If they offer licenses - I will be among first in line. However, knowing how much time is left for transition period if licenses are not planned should be made known, if it is less than what was promised.

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5 minutes ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Go to the top of this page and click on Other Links-Cakewalk|Home and then the Sonar tab.  At the bottom of that page is the link to download.  You can tell that Sonar is now active and available.  It may not have all the answers you're looking for, but it has more information than you've provided ;)

so are they selling it through the cakewalk brand or the bandlab brand? iirc there was quite some fuss saying it was a new brand under bandlab, marketing need to get their ducks in a row

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11 minutes ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Go to the top of this page and click on Other Links-Cakewalk|Home and then the Sonar tab.  At the bottom of that page is the link to download.  You can tell that Sonar is now active and available.  It may not have all the answers you're looking for, but it has more information than you've provided ;)

That's kind of my point though. I have all the information; I'm following it all quite closely. But "Go to the top of this page and click on Other Links-Cakewalk|Home and then the Sonar tab" isn't exactly a neon sign in Times Square.

My point is that Bandlab are not pushing this in terms of publicity *at all* right now. I find that odd, and off-putting.


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Yes, in terms of marketing, Bandlab gets a provisional D-.  It's disappointing in light of all the information they've given us in the past.  It suggests to me that the cake is finished, but the icing is not.  Let's hope that soon changes.

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"chance favors the prepared mind" - for the past 10 or so years i've been archiving - projects, track WAV, MIDI, lots of documentation, etc etc so if i had to revive an older project and the software wasn't available i'd still be able to reconstruct in something else. if you're unsure of "when" the current product will go belly up, i'd just suggest "prepping" by getting your projects archived properly in case we're nuked...

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17 minutes ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Go to the top of this page and click on Other Links-Cakewalk|Home and then the Sonar tab.  At the bottom of that page is the link to download.  You can tell that Sonar is now active and available.  It may not have all the answers you're looking for, but it has more information than you've provided ;)

All due respect, this announcement should be on a dedicated announcement page in BOLD LETTERS since we've been waiting and wondering a full year. 

It's now quite obvious that the BIG LAUNCH was for the Bandlab Membership (which happened weeks ago),  and that the two Sonar apps are just the latest goodies included in that membership.

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8 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

"chance favors the prepared mind" - for the past 10 or so years i've been archiving - projects, track WAV, MIDI, lots of documentation, etc etc so if i had to revive an older project and the software wasn't available i'd still be able to reconstruct in something else. if you're unsure of "when" the current product will go belly up, i'd just suggest "prepping" by getting your projects archived properly in case we're nuked...

are these in your bunker with the canned beans and water bottles?

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There was a post on this forum I read this morning from a Bandlab person when they first announced the new "Sonar" DAW.    It say's that Cakewalk would be no longer a part of Bandlab but a separated part of the company, the new DAW "Sonar" (and Next) seems to be not actually anything directly to do with Bandlab anymore and is infact called "Cakewalk Sonar"

It would seem this new business relationship between Cakewalk and Bandlab now involves the Cakewalk brand, licencing the DAW to Bandlab ?


Things may have obviously changed since this announcement.

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2 minutes ago, Mr No Name said:


is no longer a company, bl bought the ip not the company, unless they're relaunching a company and not just the software? do you have a link?

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5 minutes ago, pwal³ said:

is no longer a company, bl bought the ip not the company, unless they're relaunching a company and not just the software? do you have a link?

It seems to have been relaunched somehow ? as it's own entity ?

disclaimer: I not exactly sure of the internal workings of these corporations 


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