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Being the frugal type, I've actually spent very little on software over the years.

I've always found ways to get most things on sale or upgraded from free versions that came with my DAW software during sales.

I honestly can't remember a single thing I got that I paid full price for. And there's been a few times where I've just reached out and said hey, I really only need this software package for a few functions but I have to buy the whole thing, can you give me a discount, and they have.

But! My greatest discount of all was my SDD discount at the auto parts store. The battery died in my wife's car and it was like $250 for a replacement. I jokingly came unglued and ranted and raved. I said man it's been a bad week can you give me a discount, my dog is sick, my wife hates me, I don't have a job, and I have a small "richard". 

The manager doubled over laughing on the counter gasping for air. He gave me a 25% discount and marked it 25% SDD in the computer. Small Richard Discount. I kept the receipt for years in my wallet and showed it whenever the opportunity arose and explained how I got it.

Hey, I'll lie through my teeth if it gets me a discount. ;)

As for hardware, I'd say I'd invest in some decent compressors and mic pre's but my inexpensive ART stuff sounds great to me. I'd probably spend the money on room treatment. It took me many many years to truly understand the effect a room has on the recording, mixing, and mastering of a song. I've seen huge changes just by duct taping a peice of floppy foam packing material around my mic.

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6 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

my inexpensive ART stuff sounds great to me

a while back i was once embarrassedly showing/playing a professional music friend some stuff i was "working on" at the time, and he was really complementary about the guitar tone, howe did you get that, etc... was just a di via an art tube mp haha

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3 hours ago, pwal³ said:

a while back i was once embarrassedly showing/playing a professional music friend some stuff i was "working on" at the time, and he was really complementary about the guitar tone, howe did you get that, etc... was just a di via an art tube mp haha

That's exactly what I do with the exact same unit. I have thr mic pre  and the compressor. I usually just leave the settings flat. Except on bass. I compress that a little.

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