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Midiman Midisport 2x2 Anniversary Edition


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Even though it listed the Midiman Midisport 2x2 Anniversary Edition in "Devices"  on the computer.  It did not work.  I went to their site and even though it said nothing for Windows 10 There was a choice of Win 64, Win 10 and it took me to another driver which when downloaded and installed worked!

So it can be used for Windows 10 

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13 hours ago, Dean said:

John, in Cakewalk "Preferences" it gave a choice of  selecting the Midisport as a device.  But until I got the new driver it did not work.  That's what I was referring to.

Glad you got it working. It is odd that nobody seems to make those devices anymore. I guess all new midi stuff is USB so we are stuck with vintage midi gear and the drivers are slowly fading away. 
I had the Roland A 880 patch bay. 

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I've got both the MidiSport 2x2 and the MidiSport 8x8.

I found the 8x8 is a bit flakey in Windows 10 and liable to blue screens... rock solid in Windows 7 though.   Thankfully the only time I need to use it is when editing sounds on my hardware rack gear, so I'm happy to switch to Windows 7 for that.

I now use the MidiTech  midiface 8x8  / midiface 4x4 - they work fine in both Windows 10 & Windows 11.

I did try out some cheaper interfaces, but they suffered from missing notes / sysex issues.

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I've been using my MidiSport 8x8/s since it was released at the turn of the century. It's been my main interface throughout all of Microsoft's iterations (98, XP, Win7, Win8, Win10 and now Win11).

I haven't had any of the reported issues, but the only problem I have is M-Audio no longer includes the driver for the SMPTE ports. I tried installing them from the original CD and Win7 drivers, but it won't install in the newer operating systems. So I use MOTU micro express for SMPTE.

My MidiSport has been in operation for over 20 years and it unbelievably still works!.. kinda like NASA's Voyager probes. I was surprised when I hooked up my Osmose and it even handles poly aftertouch and MPE! I hope it lasts another 20 years, but I fear one of Microsoft's future updates will pull the plug on it.

Edited by Traveler
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