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PA Your new $25 voucher is here!

Larry Shelby

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2 minutes ago, Release said:

How do you get on the list for these?  I bought a bunch of stuff from them in the past few months and even jumped on the subscription but I haven’t seen any.

I have no idea!  I haven't gotten one in a loooooooong time and then suddenly this one appeared...crazy!

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4 minutes ago, Release said:

How do you get on the list for these?  I bought a bunch of stuff from them in the past few months and even jumped on the subscription but I haven’t seen any.

Are you on their maining list? I think this was a requirement in the past.

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Yea, been on their mailing list for years.  LOL.  I did get one a bit ago but I had to reach out and ask.  Probably shouldn’t sweat it since I have way too many plugins as it is, but…. since  we’re all addicts here, we’ll, you know.

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4 hours ago, Moon OverSea said:

It seems that they are sending the vouchers based on how much the account spent in last decade not for mailing applying.(I have several accounts, some will get the voucher some won't)

I didn't get one and in the last decade I managed to buy about 100 of their plugins....so I'm pretty sure they are only pulling from about a year back in sales to see who applies.

(also get the marketing materials daily)

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I didn't get the voucher either, but that's okay. I swear, you guys had me buying a bunch of their plugins I still haven't  even begun to figure out how to use!  Dead serious. I'm not doubting it's great stuff (in the right hands, which probably aren't my hands).  Like everybody else, I was a sucker for their really compelling deals. 

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19 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

I swear, you guys hade buying a bunch of their plugins I haven't  even begun to figure out how to use!

From what I'm reading on here regularly, many haven't even opened up a whole lot of their acquired "toys", so you are in good company.

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I wasn't getting their voucher emails to my Outlook.com email address so I changed my PA account email to my Gmail email address and started getting the emails. I assume it's some kind of issue of Outlook.com rejecting some kinds of marketing email senders. I've had the same issue with UVI and others. 

But I don't get vouchers anymore because I stopped buying PA plugins. I didn't need any more "mid" EQs, compressors, channel strips, amp sims and effects that I never reach for. I occasionally buy PA_EXT deals though. 

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Their head chief left the building.  My guess is he isn't in to enshitification.

You have to wonder though how many other plugin companies are not increasing sales due to too much stuff out there.  Meanwhile the working guy who takes his laptop into a dance venue just uses everything built into Live.

There's a lot of great plugins out there that are never updated because they made it right the first time. 

But lemme guess that the slots for using this voucher isn't a deal because the amount of $39 plugins you would buy with it can't be used and the next slot is a much higher amount.   It has that NI ring to it.

Edited by kitekrazy
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