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The Icon and other Mysteries

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 I happened to see this icon labeled Sonar Home Studio. See screen shot. I don’t have that installed and if I did the icon would be square. This Icon opens the new Sonar. Not Home Studio. 

Cakewalk Sonar has a round orange  icon. Mine looked like that for a while then at some point turned into the Black Square that looks like the Sonar Platinum icon?

I opened the Sonar program folder location where you see the round Orange icon and told it too created a desktop shortcut. It created a second Black square? Screenshot(767).png.d3e1ee2acc2ce76cccae77fc0b992381.png

Then next I opened the Windows Start screen and there I find there's only Cakewalk Sonar with a nice round orange Icon. I told that to create a shortcut and it was once again a Black square. But when I sent it to the task bar it is an Orange circle? 

One more stop, the seemingly useless Cakewalk Product center. Well this only has Next and CbB. No Sonar. 


Somehow this whole Cakewalk system is becoming a bit of a mess on my Computer. I don't like that.

Please hurry up and release Sonar so I can wipe all this garbage out of my system and start nice and clean.

And while your at it make the Cakewalk Product center useful and put my Legacy plug ins in there so I don't have to install all those antique versions anymore. 

Thank You

Edited by John Vere
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Update: ( even though it's seems to be not a hot topic like activation and subscriptions)  

So I don't often resort to this but to try and fix the stupid icon as well as other issues, 

First another unsolved mystery, There were 2 versions on Snar on the apps list, one called SOnar, one called Cakewalk Sonar. So I uninstalled both the versions of Sonar  from the App's list.  It was pretty easy to re install and activate.  Didn't fix the icon. Sonar automatically created a new Square Icon during install and plunked it on the desktop. 

 I worked on stuff for a few hours and no crashes or mishaps. But I loaded a project  I had just been working on the day before, and got a warning about missing instrument TTS-1? I t shows on Plug in list and in Manager,  but you get a warning message that it is not installed properly. ( screenshot taken later in Cakewalk) 


Hmm, so I opened Cakewalk and  I got the infamous Red Warning which so far I have avoided seeing.  


And I tried the same project  and got the same warning about the TTS-1. This is pretty scary stuff for a guy who actually likes to use TTS-1 for midi files and even made a video about how to save it from doom!  So basically installing Sonar this second time contaminated the TTS-1? That's very strange?

Is this on purpose to please Roland's request to remove it??.  If so fine. But still a PITA for a thousands of long time users who's projects depend on it. For cripes sakes Roland, you actually sold it to me! 

Anyways I followed my own advice in the video and I installed Sonar Home Studio and that brought back the TTS-1.  I'm scared to touch anything now. 


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  • John Vere changed the title to The Icon and other Mysteries

Ha! I spoke too soon. After I posted above, I tried to open Cakewalk Sonar. It now opens Home Studio. It even changed the orange Icon in the Program FIles folder. 

So now I will have to re install Sonar again! In all my years of installing different versions I've never seen that happen. Basically Home Studio totally overwrote Sonar. 

Update: I re installed Cakewalk Sonar and it once again created a Black Square icon. The Black Square Icon that says Home Studio opens Cakewalk Sonar. So that sort of explains that. I had installed Home Studio back in January to compare it to Cakewalk Next. I un installed it after I installed Cakewalk Sonar in February. But the good news is, Home studio is now unavailable (no big deal) but the TTS-1 still opens in Cakewalk Sonar. So it is possible to outsmart them and keep the TTS-1 going,  just don't use Home Studio, use an older CbB installer, probably best to  avoid anything that is called Sonar. 

Edited by John Vere
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You might be able to manually right-click the icon properties and redirect them to the proper programs.

Or uninstall everything, delete what's left, wipe the registry clean  and start fresh.

Even that don't always work, tho.  I did this and still have to open the Sonar X series as admin  for the plugin manager to work right.

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Once I finally can purchase Sonar my plan is to purchase a new drive and only install Sonar .

But unless I get my request that they include all our legacy products as part of the Cakewalk Product Center I’m going to have to start out with the old routine of installing from 8.5 and the Command Center and Splat first. 
That usually gives me my “paid for” goodies. No point installing CbB because it doesn’t have any goodies. 

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Thanks @pwal³   Didn't work. 

I followed the instructions , restarted computer. Deleted the square icon from the desktop, browsed to the location of the Sonar exe which now shows as a round orange icon, created the shortcut which was also round and dragged to desktop and it's still black square.

Note that the Black icon I dragged to the Recycle bin is now correct?  



So my conclusion is this is a Windows issue.  

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