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How to stop my yamaha keyboard playing a note when I start or stop play from my computer keyboard

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I tried to install Native instruments Komplete Kontrol today.  As it turned out it doesn't work with Cakewalk.  But, now even after I uninstalled it, my Yamaha keyboard plays a note when i start or stop a song in the project with the computer keyboard or when I hit the play button in cakewalk itself. It is very annoying. 

Any help solving this would be much appreciated


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depending on what you're trying to do with it... i usually only ever use Kontakt in the DAW, and Komplete Kontrol for standalone when i'm working out sounds etc. however, KK loads into CW ok, and (for me) functions as the sound browser controller etc. but does not out-of-the-box perform transport controls etc. you would need to set that up. as i don't use it that way, i cannot assist there... ?

but if you are still getting notes when you use keys that were supposed to operate the transport - i think that is a wholly separate configuration. i would start by checking in preference and removing any control surface settings to see if you get your keyboard (as a keyboard) back. once that is ok, then work through the steps needed to enable your keyboard to handle transport functions.

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When installed and set up correctly, Komplete Kontrol works perfectly in CbB. I use over 60 instances in most of my templates without any issues.

You must have (as Glenn noted) something in the Prefs (Control Surfaces or Metronome section) that is triggering a false start.

Edited by OutrageProductions
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