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Cakewalk by Bandlab: How to Export a Song

Creative Sauce

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The simplest way to export today in CbB is to use the new export control bar rather than the expanded export dialog.
For most users, using the presets in the control bar is all that is needed and it is much simpler to use. It also allows you to bypass selection and export the entire project, something that is not available via the dialog.

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1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

The simplest way to export today in CbB is to use the new export control bar rather than the expanded export dialog.
For most users, using the presets in the control bar is all that is needed and it is much simpler to use. It also allows you to bypass selection and export the entire project, something that is not available via the dialog.

The thing with the control bar export, is that its really just built on top of the existing export function. So even if for example you select MP3, you are still faced with the same choices as with the old workflow. The downside is you lose many useful parts of that process. For example, its not clear if dithering is applied when bit depth is decreased - and if it is, you lose the choice of which type. I suspect however that there is no dithering applied.

Furthermore, you cant enable/disable busses, FX, automation etc. These are crucial for stems or multitracks. Well, you can, by hitting 'Advanced' - which takes you to the original export dialog.

I prefer to have one workflow for all instances, rather than branch to 2 workflows depending on circumstance.

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You can create presets to do whatever you want so you don't lose anything other than the confusion of seeing all the options every time you export :)
The only thing you can't do from the control bar is selecting specific buses. Everything else can be handled via presets. 
Its pretty common these days for export options to be simplified via presets and have an advanced mode for when you need more control. 

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1 hour ago, Creative Sauce said:

I prefer to have one workflow for all instances, rather than branch to 2 workflows depending on circumstance.

When making a video tutorial I must agree that the quote above is a key consideration.   Having said that I admit I did not even remember the availability of the Export Module until Noel mentioned it.

Perhaps Mike can append the video or add a comment in the video description to add a note that there is an Export Module.

Edited by Jim Fogle
Additional thought.
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