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After exiting Sonar Videos in Google Chrome are in Slow Motion without Audio

Heinz Hupfer

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Everytime I exit new Sonar, Videos in Google Chrome do only run in Slow Motion and I have no Audio on speakers.

Using the same Audio Card (Steinberg UR44C) for Windows and Sonar, no problems after quitting Reaper, Cubase or Studio One!

The only way to resolve it is to restart Windows, just log out doesn't help!





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13 hours ago, John Vere said:

Are you using ASIO at 44.1? 
And the other thing is uncheck allow this app to have exclusive control in preferences and windows. 
If you watch my videos on audio set up it explains all this. 

ASIO 44.1

Allow this App to have exclusive control 

There's no such Preference!



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44.1 will cause this. 

Sorry the setting is usually found in your audio interfaces settings depending on brand  And then you need to set Windows to the same setting. I haven't used 44.1 for a long, long time so not sure what happens. I just remember it never worked to try and run other apps that played movies when Cakewalk was still open, and then the speed issue all the time too. This is why I switched over 48 and I've never had an issue since. And besides it's a little better quality. 

This screenshot is windows 11 I find the W11 settings confusing because it shows as Don't allow when it is actually set to allow.    W10 looks different and is much more intuitive to set,  it's found in Advanced sound settings for your output device. It's in my videos. 

Screenshot (759).png

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There's no such Preference for my Soundcard in the Office (Steinberg UR44C), no problems in Studio (Presonus AR44).

Don't want to work with 48 kHz, that's not very handy, you have to convert it to CD.

Then it is like it is;)




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If available, try setting Windows sounds to the onboard audio to separate Windows from the DAW's interface.

This works for me on Widows 10.  Windows 11 has a mind of it's own and keeps resetting things to it's liking when updated.

Edited by sjoens
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