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🔒 ​Bapu's Random Thoughts For The Day


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My weekend is ruined.

Two outdoor gigs and a Potential Tropical Cyclone bearing down on us. It'll be a tropical storm tomorrow and go up the coast just east of  us. Enough to give us hard rain squalls without warning - we can't risk our gear and nobody is going to want to eat and drink outdoors while we are under a tropical storm watch predicted to be warning by sometime tonight.

Bapu, enjoy your 3 day weekend.

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19 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

My weekend is ruined.

Two outdoor gigs and a Potential Tropical Cyclone bearing down on us. It'll be a tropical storm tomorrow and go up the coast just east of  us. Enough to give us hard rain squalls without warning - we can't risk our gear and nobody is going to want to eat and drink outdoors while we are under a tropical storm watch predicted to be warning by sometime tonight.

Bapu, enjoy your 3 day weekend.

You could always rent the gear and darn the storm.

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Beautiful Saturday, the storm turned away, the gig is still canceled and I don't get to work.

Too bad, working is the most fun I can have with my clothes on.

OK it's time to start writing aftermarket software for Band-in-a-Box. Once I get started, you probably won't hear from me for a few days as laying the groundwork is time intensive and needs a big chunk o time. But It's the slow season here until the rainy season is over late October and the northerners start coming back down, so it's a good use of my time. And I enjoy it as well (although it's not as much fun as gigging).


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23 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

Bob I'm waiting for you to make the Band-in-a-Box instant hit backing track?
I need all the help I can get :)

If I could predict what is going to be an instant hit, I'd go into the consulting business. There are people who would pay Big Money for that info. ?

I've got one user style "disk" done, I did that in July and the beginning of August. I've got some good ideas for another. The done disk is rock, and the one I'll probably do next will be fusion jazz or smooth jazz.

Leilani is working on two fake "disks" and we send them out to subcontractors to choose styles - if I did them myself, I'd pick my own styles because I know them best. I want the style chosen to be the best for the song, whether it is a PG Music or a Norton Music style.

Once I get the basic framework done (MIDI files to import into the Band-in-a-Box  StyleMaker app) I can start importing snippets at a time. But the recording the MIDI files for the styles I need takes time. I do the drums, bass, and comp instruments in real time. (I play sax, wind synth, flute, drums, guitar, bass, and keys in varying degrees of proficiency). Often that means practicing something I want to import until I get it under my fingers, then recording it. That's why I need huge blocks of time with no distractions.

I think I'll start this on Monday, maybe do some organizing late Sunday. So if I'm AWOL a few days, I'll be back. I don't think I'll be missed much.

The thing is after 27 style "disks" of up to 30 styles per disk, it gets harder and harder to do something different and worthy. I get inspirations from songs, auto-play keyboards, music books, or whatever. At this point, I'll record things, and throw away most and only keep what I think is either different or a strong enough variation to be worthy. After all, when done, they will have my name on them.

I started doing this in 1992 selling them on floppy disks (5.25" and 3.5") and now they are instant download. Disks are history, but I still call them disks because I don't know what else to call them.

But I guess that's OK, we still dial phones even though phones don't have dials, and make mixtapes even though cassettes died a long time ago.


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