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🔒 ​Bapu's Random Thoughts For The Day


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When I was a child, we went out to an alligator 'farm' (tourist trap) to see alligator wrestling. It was run by the local Seminole Indian tribe.

There was this fenced in pond with an overfed alligator on the bank. The 'wrestler' walked in, flipped the gator on it's back and held its mouth shut. They he held his hand up as if to say "Ta-Da". The build up on the primitive PA set was long and scheechy. The whole 'wrestling match' lasted about 3 minutes, if that.  Then he flipped the bored gator over again and walked out of the fenced area. The gator went back to sunning itself.

I could hear the gator thinking "Oh well! It's a living."

Even as a kid I knew that was a ripoff. I liked the glass bottom boats better and eventually became a skin diver so I could go out to the reefs by myself (with a buddy of course).

The Seminoles don't do that anymore.  They found better ways to make money. In the 1960s and 70s they sold cigarettes on their reservation bypassing state and perhaps federal taxes at a lower price than you could get them elsewhere.

Then they found Casino gambling, and they've been rolling in the dough ever since.

I gigged at a couple of their Casinos. With all the lights and bells it was like playing in a Hawaiian shirt ;)

In front of us were the husbands or wives of their gambling partners. Our job was to keep them entertained, so they don't bug their spouses to take them home.

Not the best performing situation, but not the worst either, and the pay was quite good. The staff was very nice to us, even helped us carry the gear in, and when the gig was done, they said we could go to the restaurant and order whatever we wanted, including the steaks, on the house.

I think we were among the few winners those nights.

We did them for a few years, then a new manager was hired and decided to put in single singing guitarist acts. It was a good run while it lasted.


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Am knot Shure about yesterday iften it was the blurriness or lingering drug affects that caused my unability to type but today is another day and WOW! 

I have 20/20 vision!!!

 I can:

1) see my neighbors bedroom without binoculars 

2) I can tell which lane I Am in when driving 

3) I can tell what I Am eating before I put it in my mouth 

4)  I can tell  X X   just how beautiful she actually is now that I can see 

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