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🔒 ​Bapu's Random Thoughts For The Day


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I don't rake, I let the leaves return to the earth slowly as nature intended.

But the Northeast edge of Tropical Storm Eta came through and tomorrow I'll have to collect dozens of fallen palm fronds. Not complaining, the strongest gusts we had were around 60mph. We got a lot of rain, but at 32' above sea level, I'm on top of the Florida Alps. :D

Even better, we didn't lose electric power, so the becan in the fridge isn't spoiled. I think I'll have some tomorrow.


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I interrupt this Fred for an important message!

Today and today only, my new real book is on sale for the meager price of ‘special ‘ brownies. Weed bread may be substituted . This offer on this date Friday the 13 th November 2020 is only good today  What could go wrong? Thank you for your support  



Edited by bayoubill
Can fish get stoned on seaweed?
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4 hours ago, Wibbles said:

I always found Andy Pandy pretty sinister.

Nah! Andy was a püssy cat.

It was that Teddy who was the sinister one.

The way he used to follow Andy about, I always wondered what he would get up to if he didn't have the camera on him at all times.

Mark you, Andy did wear some pretty strange gear .. and that hat! Least said about the hat the better.

And that Looby Loo ... now there's a cute chic if ever I saw one.

Edited by JohnG
disalowed words!
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For the first time in my life, I'm wearing glasses, prescription glasses. I was the only one of us Fieldses who didn't wear them.
I have been using readers for about a decade, but I had a physical a while back and their cursory eye test revealed 20/80 in my right eye and not much better in the left.
I went to an actual eye doctor and ordered the specs, which arrived Thursday. Bifocals. I'm still getting used to them, but everything is better, vision-wise.

Except the computer monitor is too close for the glasses and too far for my old readers. I suppose I'll have to sit farther back if I don't want to change glasses for every different task.
But, music sounds so much better now!

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Instead of bifocals, try progressive lenses.

The prescription goes gradually from near at the bottom to distant at the middle, so you can adjust your head to see the monitor.

There is one drawback, the field of prescription is relatively narrow so your nose has to point pretty close to what you want in perfect focus.


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I had issues in my late teens and early 20's thanks to all the CRT monitors I was staring at as a nerd.  Everything was too bright and 50 yards looked the same as 300.  I ended up with a prescription for tinted windows on my car (which resulted in my being pulled over eight times until the judge had a copy of the prescription added to the info cops pull up on you before they pull you over).  Fortunately, I had a really good optometrist who didn't just start the "eye wear" cycle, but told me about getting out in the sun more and gave me some focusing exercises.  I've since run into programs like the 20/20 protocol that provide additional exercises, tips and what supplements to take (plus it explains how, unfortunately, the optometry industry, like medical doctors and unnecessary prescriptions, choose items that make money instead of what's helpful).  My mom is 91 and currently being told to stay in her apartment, so all she does is watch TV (I'm not happy about either).  They've already done Lasic on her and, each year, she gets stronger bi-focals - yet she can't see well at all with them!  Makes me angry...

As a result of my routine, I'll be 57 next month and I still have 20/10 vision (was just tested again last month)!  That's even better than "perfect" and something I'd love to keep!

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