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🔒 ​Bapu's Random Thoughts For The Day


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I remember the saying like this one from Stats class way back in the day!


Statistics are biased towards one side

“As long as the errors remain one-sided, it is not easy to attribute them to bungling or accident.”

Nobody uses statistics to disprove themselves. That is, statistics are used to serve a cause or agenda that someone believe ins, rather than disprove that cause or agenda. So when people err in their use of statistics or make intentional mistakes, the errors will always be in one direction (the direction of their beliefs and agenda). So instead of getting an unbiased look at the world, we’re getting a biased look of the world that other people want us to see. This is a dangerous world to live in if you don’t recognize this reality about how people use data.

I  remember the professor I  had told us to use the numbers in off the wall cases and present to class as small groups. It was an interesting exercise and actually comical. To bad this was way before smartphones and youtube etc. Would of been great to get some recording of the Bull Sh*t we were saying twisting the numbers. 


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I was just on YouTube to see a video my friend wanted me to see.  It, and a LOT of copies of it, have all been censored.  That is VERY disturbing and, unfortunately, too many people don't get the significance.  When 90+% of all mass media is wrong and the other 10% is being censored, it should be a very big clue that everyone is being channeled down one path...

You've posted that second graphic before Bob.  It's VERY skewed and has agenda written all over it.  I have examples of events that I SAW myself that were reported exactly the opposite by some of those in that middle section.  Believing any of them are accurate (or even "more" accurate than the others) is very dangerous.  I see lots of opinions and jabs posted here and elsewhere that are exactly what the programming wants (and are very wrong).  Unfortunately, people take shortcuts, so I'm not sure how this is going to end.  All I know is that I, personally, don't watch any news any more on TV; it's all sensationalized and incorrect.

Man...  Every time I look back at that chart I just cringe!  If nothing else, take a good look at it from an overall perspective and realize that it's literally telling you how you should think and what sources to believe!  

You all have big, beautiful brains people!!!  PLEASE start using them!!!  Not everything is wrong and not everything is right, but at least THINK about what's being fed to you!


(*Sigh...*  IBTL!)

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24 minutes ago, craigb said:

Whoops!  Sorry, Ed!  I didn't notice what Fred I was in...


Maybe an edit is in order. Although for the most part mods rarely come here unless there is a complaint (lookin at you Paulo ? 

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18 hours ago, craigb said:


You've posted that second graphic before Bob.  It's VERY skewed and has agenda written all over it.  I have examples of events that I SAW myself that were reported exactly the opposite by some of those in that middle section.  Believing any of them are accurate (or even "more" accurate than the others) is very dangerous.  I see lots of opinions and jabs posted here and elsewhere that are exactly what the programming wants (and are very wrong).  Unfortunately, people take shortcuts, so I'm not sure how this is going to end.  All I know is that I, personally, don't watch any news any more on TV; it's all sensationalized and incorrect.<...>

I figured Politifact was a good source of who's lying and not since they treat the left wing and right wing equally. Oh yes, and I do take everything with a grain of salt.

So tell me, what do you watch/listen to for better information?

If I'm wrong, I need to know what is better.


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I at one time watched quite a few of the news broadcast and wrote down some notes about each. It was an exercise for myself. My brain hurt after a couple of weeks.
Actually my Brain really hurt!  ?   Interesting to say how each of the broadcasts are so slanted one way.  Now I try to listen to PBS and BBC because I have some relatives in England.   I had a great history professor who told the class: "remember all the news casts  are opinions of the news"   He was trying to get across that as individuals you need to watch a variety and read from multiple sources to help with ones own bias.  It is easy to listen or watch the point of view that you agree with.


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