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🔒 ​Bapu's Random Thoughts For The Day


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5 hours ago, Bapu said:

That's maybe almost as stimulating as a $1,200 check from Dr. Orange the gubmint.

Still haven't seen mine and now it's starting to look like our little company won't get the Payroll Protection Plan loan either...  Yay.

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16 hours ago, craigb said:

Still haven't seen mine and now it's starting to look like our little company won't get the Payroll Protection Plan loan either...  Yay.

Same here.

But L.A. Lakers, Ruth Chris' Steakhouses, Trump Hotels, Big Oil and tons of other businesses have their money (and they have ours as well). I figure that's the way it was planned from the start. The alpha dog gets the best food, and when the pack is starving, the alpha dog is still well fed.

I filed unemployment in Florida. Now Florida has made International news in the BBC, The Guardian and other papers as being the hardest state in the US to get benefits and one of the stingiest in those benefits IF you can get them. The system designed under the direction of our former governor Rick Scott was designed to crash, and to deny, not to help. BTW before he ran for office, under Scott's leadership his hospital had the all-time biggest Medicare/Medicaid fraud/theft to date.

Even though the present governor has banned all live music (banned bands) the Florida Unemployment software has classified me "ineligible". Same for thousands of other musicians, waitresses, bartenders, cooks, uber drivers, and so on. One paper estimated that between 10 and 20% of all applicants get approved thanks to the built in discrimination.

I doubt I'll see the stimulus check or get any promised help.

Actually I'd rather work.

It seems to me mass producing testing kits then testing and tracking everyone would cost less than all this welfare fiat money. It would put people to work FDR style, making the kits, and most of us could go back to work without fear of playing Russian Roulette.

After all there are asymptomatic people out there who are virtual "Typhoid Mary" people. Aren't we supposed to learn from history?

It's actually working in New Zealand. With repeated testing, tracking, isolating, and treating they have effectively wiped it out in their country. The PM said with continued testing, tracking, and treating she feels any isolated new cases could be taken care of quickly.

But I guess that's too logical and the alpha dogs won't get fat enough.

Insights, incites and a minor rant  by Notes

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