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Automating SideChained Gates

Roy Slough

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I am trying to add a SideChained gate from the kick to a rhythm guitar. currently it strums all the time and using a SideChained Gate gives it a different impact.

However, I only want it gated at certain times but I cannot find an automated method of turning it on/off. Currently I am using the SonitusGate but the Bypass is not something available in automation, similarly I cannot automate the turning on/off of the FX nor on the send from the Kick.

Is there a method to automate this OR another (free) Gate I can use which can be automated.

The method I can currently considering is using the automated mute on the rhythm guitar but that is long and tedious OR I can cut and paste the sections I want into a separate "gated" track also long and tedious AND difficult to amend. 

N.B. there are other FX (or sends) I only want at certain times so knowing how to automate turning them on/off  in general would be useful.

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