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Beautiful Beautiful


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I really like this - it has the feeling of an old English or Scottish lament - emphasised further by the solo strings (viola or violin ?). Your vocal control is immaculate and the performance is top notch.

Minor crit, I might have varied the guitar arpeggio a little, but this is just taste and fancy.

Great work 


Edited by AndyB01
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5 hours ago, Rikfr said:

Hi Rex, nice one, excellent vocals. I would loose the fake guitar. ?



All of the instruments are "fake" other than my voice, even my voice is fake, it is not actually me singing "live" in a room, it is a recording of me. That is the nature of VST "instruments".

Unfortunately, I am not as good a guitarist as the fake VST guitar arpeggiator.

The cello is fake, the bass is fake, and the other instruments I will be adding are fake as well.

Hopefully they will augment one another and create the illusion of realism.

Maybe someday I will have Nashville instrumentalists to make my music for me. ?


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7 hours ago, AndyB01 said:

I really like this - it has the feeling of an old English or Scottish lament - emphasised further by the solo strings (viola or violin ?). Your vocal control is immaculate and the performance is top notch.

Minor crit, I might have varied the guitar arpeggio a little, but this is just taste and fancy.

Great work 


I am hoping when I add solo instruments and a few other instruments that the guitar will be less noticeable. ?

I will let you know when I have updated the song.

Edited by RexRed
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Hello Cakewalk Peeps!

The final version of this song was just uploaded to the link above a few minutes ago.

I may go in and tweak a few things before it is published.

There is about a day window for changes to be made.

As for the suggestion of not using "fake guitars".

I have given that some thought and I am considering making some changes.

I cannot promise I will not use fake guitars in the future.

But, I am considering not using song loops that I build some of my songs on.

I have decided that it is time I make all of my own songs from scratch.

It is not because the song loops do not make good songs, but because the copyright holders have become more aggressive in the last few years.

They will take ALL monetization for your lyrics, vocals, melodies and instrumentation just because a minuscule song loop that you bought from them was used as an ingredient of the song.

I am a musician and it is time I make my OWN music.

If I were not an instrumentalist along with being a singer and lyricist I would reconsider using their song loops.

For now, "instrument samples" seem safe to use. But song loops are not worth the hassle. 

This song, "Beautiful Beautiful" has no song loops in it, only VST instruments (fake guitars) which are still "royalty free" once you buy the VST you own the music created by it (at least for now).

Let me know your thoughts.


RexRed ?

(I am not referring to samples like Splice.com I am referring to samples like song samples (about a minute long) and stems that you buy as a subscription.

There are always strings attached. Those strings are they take all of the income other than a single YouTube channel. The song becomes locked forever in their grasp because of a sample that you paid them for.)


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Hi Rex, listened again, like it. Please don't read to much in my "fake guitar"comment. English is my third language and maybe fake wasn't the right word. I did place an emoji behind it.?  On a more serious note, as a guitarist of over 50 years, the guitar part sticks out because it is to perfect, every note is the same and perfect in tune and in time, guitarists don't play like that , even if we tried ?



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