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Freeze synth freezes all instruments in Kontakt not just the one highlighted


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Hi folks

I think I kind of know the answer to this one but I'm looking for advice on any alternatives.

I've a single instance of Kontakt 6 with eight instrument synths loaded (4 different guitars synths, 4 orchestra instruments) and I suspect Cbb sees these as a single synth even though there are 8 separate outputs track pairs (8 midi and 8 related audio) for the loaded synths.

I am trying to freeze each track as I work through the mix but as soon as I select any midi track and 'freeze synth' (the only freeze option I can see when I hover over the snowflake) all 8 tracks are frozen and the individual midi tracks hidden (midi hiding is as expected).

Is there some setting I am missing in Cbb or Kontakt that would allow me to freeze a track at a time rather than all at once?





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yes it would see Kontakt as a single synth to freeze. one option is to have multiple Kontakt synths - my understanding is there is little penalty for this approach with Kontakt as it has some form of memory sharing for the application part, and @msmcleod did some analysis on that.

another option is disconnect the tracks you DO NOT want to freeze, then freeze the synth. then disconnect those tracks, mute those related MIDI tracks (or clips), and unfreeze the synth. then reconnect the other tracks you want to hear the MIDI audio from. a bunch of steps but not too long with a limited number of tracks

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5 hours ago, John Vere said:

My question - Are you really that maxed out on memory and CPU that freezing is needed? 

An option would be to freeze everything and copy the tracks to audio tracks. Then you can unfreeze Kontakt and mute stuff. 

Thanks John,

Yes and no (system memory sits around 26% and CPU around 24%) but I've had recurring issues with glitches as I run mainly VST instruments in my songs (so they need freezing).

I run an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, 4050 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s), 32gig DDR4, windows 10 latest patches, Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 4g and even at maximum buffer of 1024 I still get glitches, very few crashes or audio dropouts (as I used to previously on my Intel system) but without freezing the tracks its a bit hit and miss on the audio glitching out.

Current song has 62 tracks of which 4 are real guitars the rest are VST including the vocals (SynthV). I really don't know how Id cope if i had the 100+ tracks I see in some forums :)


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8 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

yes it would see Kontakt as a single synth to freeze. one option is to have multiple Kontakt synths - my understanding is there is little penalty for this approach with Kontakt as it has some form of memory sharing for the application part, and @msmcleod did some analysis on that.

another option is disconnect the tracks you DO NOT want to freeze, then freeze the synth. then disconnect those tracks, mute those related MIDI tracks (or clips), and unfreeze the synth. then reconnect the other tracks you want to hear the MIDI audio from. a bunch of steps but not too long with a limited number of tracks

Ooh, I do like the sound of that second option (having spent ages creating multis in Kontakt on the the advice of other Kontakt users to reduce the number of instances (you can't win at this game! :) ). I'll give that a try, thanks Glenn

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