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Bandlab question about low guitar levels

Victor Flores

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Hello, I tried finding the forum for bandlab but got nowhere. My guitarist friend has a behringer 404HD interface, and is getting a very low signal into bandlab, even though his interface is so high it's almost clipping. 2 things I suggested for him to try is to get his latency test working properly because he hasn't gotten a successful test yet, and also asked him to make sure he's got the latest driver for his audio interface. Any other suggestions? Thanks ahead.

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28 minutes ago, Giorgio Gabriel said:

Try to adjust the GAIN of the channel used for recording of the audio interface. This should fix the issue.




Sorry but that is wrong information. Audio levels are set at the audio interface before it is converted to digital and sent to your Daw. 
You can turn the track gain right off and the recording level will not change.  

As you set the levels on your Interface with the track in record standby the track meter should match what the meter on the interface is showing. 

This is true of ASIO system. On board audio there’s Windows volume mixer involved. 
Possibly your friend did not check there and make sure they are using ASIO mode.
Oh wait a minute  did you say Bandlab the cell phone app??  Or are you saying Cakewalk by Bandlab

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1 hour ago, Victor Flores said:

even though his interface is so high it's almost clipping

We really need more information on his situation if you can get it. There are plenty of guitar VSTs that also have input gain control, and even some like Overloud's TH series that default to expecting a stereo input (which is very uncommon). If he already has the interface set to proper levels, I would walk him though the rest of his signal chain and find out what he has going on in that regard. A line vs instrument level at the interface shouldn't be an issue if he is seeing the levels passed out of the interface, but that is worth checking as well. I am not familiar with that unit, but I am assuming the levels he is seeing are the output since it has no software mixer per Google (which would be another thing to check if that were applicable).

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5 hours ago, Giorgio Gabriel said:

Sorry Jonh for my imprecise information.

I was referring to the Gain of the audio card, not in the software.



Sorry I should have read you answer more closely as I see now what you were saying is clear. 
What I don’t know is what this person is using Bandlab app on . It might be totally different when you use an audio interface with a tablet or phone. And Apple doesn’t need ASIO as far as I can tell. 

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