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In one week I will take the best flight in my life...

Øyvind Skald

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49 minutes ago, paulo said:

Yup, the scammers are everywere.....


I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends. Here's how the scam works:

Two seriously good-looking 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy tops.

It is impossible not to look.

When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'no' and instead ask you for a ride to McDonalds.

You agree and they get into the back seat. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet.

I had my wallet stolen August 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th & 29th. Also September 1st & 4th, twice on the 8th, 16th, 23rd, 26th, three times last Monday and very likely again this upcoming weekend.

So tell your friends to be careful.

P.S. Wal-Mart has wallets on sale for 2.99 each. I found cheaper ones for $1.99 at K-Mart and bought them out. Also, you never will get to eat at McDonalds. I've already lost 11 pounds just running back and forth to Home Depot.

I like that scam much better than the one that happened to me in Las Vegas!  Well, it only happened twice actually, after that I ran out of kidneys to harvest...

Edited by craigb
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I've been going to the Philippines for, jeez, it'll be 28 years next February when I go again. In all that time I have only been scammed once, and those rascals took me for all of $1.

I was being taken up river to a waterfall. We stopped halfway and there were people selling barbecued chicken on a stick. One of them suggested I buy some for my boatmen, which I thought was reasonable given how hard they were working (parts of the river were shallow, requiring them to get out and pull the boat over rapids). When they thought I wasn't looking, he handed the kabob back to the vendor, who put it back on the fire to resell. Obviously a regular scam they'd pulled on many a tourist. I was out 50 pesos, a whole buck. I have lost more than that in the washing machine.

I have friends there who bring me vegetables from their garden as gifts. I've tried paying them for it, but eventually realized that I was insulting them by offering to do so. One neighbor hand-built me a bamboo couch. That time I did insist on giving him money, because it was obviously a lot of work, and bamboo is valuable in those parts. He refused to take any payment. A few days later he came by and I jammed the equivalent of ten bucks into his shirt pocket, over his protestations. That was a week's wages for him and I should have felt bad flaunting my wealth like that, but I am selfish that way.

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On 10/22/2019 at 9:14 AM, Toddskins said:

Allow me to say the following, having no idea about you and your values.  Just listen and be careful.

An acquaintance of mine went to the Philippines about 7 years ago to meet a female he met online.  While at his hotel a couple of young girls came onto him, and he not being too smart, but generally a moral guy, allowed them into his room.  They wanted to have s_x, but he told them no.  Something was stolen by them, I do not remember what.

But he later in the week discovered that the hotel had cameras and management was working with the girls.  

Long story short, if he had succumbed to a base instinct, he might have been brought up on child s_x charges, or blackmail, or both.

Papa, brother and sisters husband will meet me at the airport. ?

Don't think I will reach a bathroom before I meet them. ?

But thank you for the warning. It is a lot scams like that. And Philippine law is much harder than we are used to in the west. But I am not flowing any other that the family before I get a little warm(?) ?

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On 10/21/2019 at 7:41 PM, bitflipper said:

You're going to be in a very rural area, so you might have to travel hours (everywhere you go takes hours) to find a bar with a live band. 

However, it's a very musical country. At the very least, expect to do some karaoke. Don't be shy when invited to do so - it really doesn't matter if you do it well or not, they'll love you for participating.

What I'd suggest is working in a couple days in Manila on your way back home. Staying in Manila eases the anxiety of catching your flight on time (believe me, you do NOT want to miss your flight), and it's the best place to find music of any genre, from folk to prog to metal.

Have a great trip!

Thank you! I will stay 5 days in Manila with the whole family at sisters house. That's from Saturday to Thursday. And we will take buss from Manila to Virac. Will buy a guitar in before home trip so I can have something to do... ?

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17 hours ago, bitflipper said:

I've been going to the Philippines for, jeez, it'll be 28 years next February when I go again. In all that time I have only been scammed once, and those rascals took me for all of $1.

I was being taken up river to a waterfall. We stopped halfway and there were people selling barbecued chicken on a stick. One of them suggested I buy some for my boatmen, which I thought was reasonable given how hard they were working (parts of the river were shallow, requiring them to get out and pull the boat over rapids). When they thought I wasn't looking, he handed the kabob back to the vendor, who put it back on the fire to resell. Obviously a regular scam they'd pulled on many a tourist. I was out 50 pesos, a whole buck. I have lost more than that in the washing machine.

I have friends there who bring me vegetables from their garden as gifts. I've tried paying them for it, but eventually realized that I was insulting them by offering to do so. One neighbor hand-built me a bamboo couch. That time I did insist on giving him money, because it was obviously a lot of work, and bamboo is valuable in those parts. He refused to take any payment. A few days later he came by and I jammed the equivalent of ten bucks into his shirt pocket, over his protestations. That was a week's wages for him and I should have felt bad flaunting my wealth like that, but I am selfish that way.

Yeah. This family is like that. Well some are more than others but they are mostly givers and wont take any from anyone. It's an insult to even to ask sister if she wants or need me to take something with me. In her mind, I basically say that she is poor and need help. Most people in the province are that way.  

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