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Not Your Cup Of Tea

Douglas Kirby

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Kind of a 60’s rock feel here, I like that. I would go a little more “call and response “ in the chorus, the guitar walks on the vocal a bit much for me. One more little niggle; it always bothers me when a tune falls apart in the end, I guess from years of trying to get the band to nail it. Hey your tune, your production values, take it with a grain of salt. Good luck with your album. 


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Boy I really like your guitar track. Very nice. Vocal is very good too as usual. I found myself wanting an earlier break from the drawn out lyrics, but that's a matter of taste. Some of your music seems to be in the 60s-70s era, you know back when music was good.   ?  And so are your songs.

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Hi Doug!

I like the song lots.  Your vocal reminds me a bit of Jagger.  You phrase your words like he would here.  Just a small nit in the mix.  Your rhythm guitar is just a tad loud and tends to drown out your voice at some spaces and the drums could be a bit louder.  Overall, great tune and production.

?John B

Edited by Johnbee58
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amiller - Thank you very much for listening.

DeeringAmps - Thank you very much for your comments and critiques.

bjornpdx - I'm glad you liked the song - thanks.

daryl1968 - Thanks for giving my song a listen.

mark skinner - Thanks for listening. No, it's not a full band - I'm a one man band on all my songs. I play everything and sing everything - the drums are programmed (Addictive Drums 2).

JohnBee58 - I'll see what I can do about the rhythm guitar in the next mix - thanks for listening to my song.

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