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Sonar help

Max Arwood

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I wanted to say first, I am a devout Cake/Sonar fanboy. I am not talking the product down. I just want to help.  I wish I would have been on the Beta team, but it's a good thing I did not get picked, because I would have spent less time making music lol!! OK, so I will post a couple at a time to not make this too confusing.

1) I clicked the option to copy my defaults for the previous version (CWBL). After I installed Sonar 2024, all my folder locations were set to the default. It would not have been so bad, but it also reset my CWBL folder options to the default! It took a little bit before I figured out what had happened. Am I the only one that uses optional locations for default folders? Anyone else have this? Or, was this peculiar to my system?

2) Also, track volume meters in CWBL were shifted to horizontal, I had them vertical before the install.

3) I have already read several post complaining about the UI.  Yes, I saw the Piano roll post. This is a console view post. There are not enough characters in the narrow console. There are 8 in CWBL and 2 in Sonar24. Images attached. With only 2 characters, it is very difficult to figure out what the sends are. I usually have as many as 20-30 sends.


Sonar Console.jpg


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1 hour ago, Max Arwood said:


This is a console view post. There are not enough characters in the narrow console. There are 8 in CWBL and 2 in Sonar24. Images attached. With only 2 characters, it is very difficult to figure out what the sends are. I usually have as many as 20-30 sends.


This has been fixed now (it was reported by the beta team).

I think a new BSP release went out yesterday with this fix...  if not, it'll be imminent.

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