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D16 Group Sigmund 2 Intro Sale for $59

Larry Shelby

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Ah, okay, got my answer:

If you already have Sigmund (maybe like me you got it as a PB freeB, those were the days), check in your User Area at the D16 website. There should be a coupon there that will allow you to get v. 2 for  €19.

I've never gotten into programming the thing, but some of the factory patches are wonders for trippy sound design. I have some heavy hitters like MTurboDelay, Objeq Delay, and Sandman Pro, and Sigmund is right up there with them.

I'll be dropping the 19 for the upgrade.

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People complain about WUP but D16 wants upgrades for every product I've purchased from them. And when the products go on sale, the upgrade pricing doesn't. I guess if I'd bought them back in 2016 it might seem fine but since I've only picked them up gradually since 2020 it seems a bit rich. Just my 10c.

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Hi Lars

Thanks for the heads up - i didn't see any email from D16 re this upgrade. Just got it for $19

I use Sigmund quite a bit, although as Starship said, programming can be interesting! Hopefully a bit easier with the new version





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1 hour ago, Craig N said:

People complain about WUP but D16 wants upgrades for every product I've purchased from them. And when the products go on sale, the upgrade pricing doesn't. I guess if I'd bought them back in 2016 it might seem fine but since I've only picked them up gradually since 2020 it seems a bit rich. Just my 10c.

True. Simple as that. They are nice tools, but can get pricey over time. 

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2 hours ago, Craig N said:

People complain about WUP but D16 wants upgrades for every product I've purchased from them. And when the products go on sale, the upgrade pricing doesn't. I guess if I'd bought them back in 2016 it might seem fine but since I've only picked them up gradually since 2020 it seems a bit rich. Just my 10c.

D16 is free updates perpetually for minor releases though, whereas this is a major release and without WUP, Waves wouldn't even give you minor updates for free.

D16 provides support indefinitely. Waves will not provide any support without active WUP.

D16 can always be transferred and for free. Waves you can only transfer to someone else if you have active WUP. Not sure if they charge on top of that too.

D16 can be used on multiple machines perpetually. Waves only provides 2 seats at most and you lose the second seat once WUP is inactive, so if you have a DAW and laptopsl for a mobile rig and don't want to constantly move a USB key around, or deactivate on one machine and reactivate on the other one all the time, then you need active WUP.

I would rather free major releases too though from D16. Maybe even just the next version free and then paid for versions after that. Discounted updates would also be great and sounds fair to me.

But when it comes to sucking, Waves and their WUP and archaic ideas cannot be outdone ?

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  • Larry Shelby changed the title to D16 Group Sigmund 2 Intro Sale for $59
7 hours ago, Craig N said:

D16 wants upgrades for every product I've purchased from them

And you are under no obligation to buy them unless you believe that, for instance, there is $19 worth of new features in Sigmund 2. Sigmund will continue to work just as well as it has since you bought it.

IME, D16's policy is as standard as it gets: minor releases (bug fixes, minor improvements) are no cost for existing users. They want money (a fraction of the cost of a new license) for new major versions that substantially extend the feature set. This is the way for the majority of the software I own. A|A|S, Magix, Corel, W.A. Production, PreSonus, iZotope, Mixcraft, Mastering the Mix, Glitchmachines, Plugin Alliance, Ableton, IK Multimedia and countless others.

Companies whose policies differ from this (MeldaProduction, Image Line) are very unusual. The most popular variation on this that I've seen is one where the user is entitled to one or more future major releases along with the interim bug fixes. The license for REAPER is like that. Buy a license for 7, you're also entitled to 8 whenever it comes out, but you must pay again to update to 9.

Why people complain about Waves' policy is that Waves typically don't add any new features, even for releases that increment the version number (the only new features I've seen in all the years I've had licenses for Waves products were the half-a55ed preset browser and resizable UI), their licenses are single seat unless you keep up the maintenance plan, and they relentlessly hawk the maintenance plan. The only reason I would have for keeping their plan up would be to maintain the second seat, which would amount to having the second license under a subscription plan, and subscription licensing doesn't work for me.

Again, nobody is forcing anyone to maintain their Waves update plan. I bought a year of it years ago for 2 products because I wanted to update them from 9 to 11 or something. Then I let it drop because there was no reason to maintain it. In effect, I paid once to upgrade my Waves software. Since then, no WUP, and none has been necessary. I'm a Windows user, so I don't care a hoot about whatever tortures Apple is inflicting on its users in regard to losing compatibility, and Waves products have been, IME, bug-free and rock solid. They usually fix any issues within the first year of the product's life, while it's still under the initial WUP, and after that, it's smooth sailing.

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13 hours ago, kitekrazy said:

How did we go from D16 to Waves?

Forum rules. Any mention of plug-in licensing must include a mention of Waves either in the first post or a subsequent post. Similarly, any topic that contains the name of more than one DAW, or a DAW other than Cakewalk must include a mention of REAPER, either in the first post or a subsequent post.

If these conditions are not met organically, the forum software will insert a post with these mentions under a user name chosen by algorithm, although this is rarely necessary.

Edited by Starship Krupa
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On 3/11/2024 at 6:08 AM, MusicMan said:

D16 is free updates perpetually for minor releases though, whereas this is a major release and without WUP, Waves wouldn't even give you minor updates for free.

D16 provides support indefinitely. Waves will not provide any support without active WUP.

D16 can always be transferred and for free. Waves you can only transfer to someone else if you have active WUP. Not sure if they charge on top of that too.

D16 can be used on multiple machines perpetually. Waves only provides 2 seats at most and you lose the second seat once WUP is inactive, so if you have a DAW and laptopsl for a mobile rig and don't want to constantly move a USB key around, or deactivate on one machine and reactivate on the other one all the time, then you need active WUP.

I would rather free major releases too though from D16. Maybe even just the next version free and then paid for versions after that. Discounted updates would also be great and sounds fair to me.

But when it comes to sucking, Waves and their WUP and archaic ideas cannot be outdone ?

Oh that's right. Derailing a thread is mandatory.

BTW I still have that offer for Lush 2 for 39.  I don't need another synth,

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3 hours ago, kitekrazy said:

Derailing a thread is mandatory

Really though, how far is a discussion about a product derailed by talking about whether it's worth the money to upgrade to it from an earlier version and comparing the company's upgrade policies to similar companies'?

First glance review: I coughed up the $19 for Sigmund 2 and consider it a worthy purchase. The factory presets for Sigmund have always been strong, and there are way more of them. In an existing project where I was using a Sigmund preset, I swapped in Sigmund 2 and had no trouble locating the same preset in Sigmund 2, so either they are compatible or they went to the trouble of duplicating the sound of the old presets in the new product. The visual arrangement of the modules is clearer as far as signal flow. The UI is now resizable and there is a VST3 version.

I haven't delved deeply enough to know about the other new features, but the ones I mentioned are enough to make the product worth the $20.

If you, like me, can never get enough Glitchmachine-y Unfiltered Audio-ish soundbendering plug-ins, you'll drop the price of a Burger King meal on it and not regret it.

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