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Sonar: Melodyne 4 Not Working At All


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Edit: Melodyne 4 does not work at all in Sonar. Audio to MIDI,  audio to Time Line, Region FX, nothing.  It is listed as a Region FX and when selecting it you see the Transport window displays the processing bar, but then nothing happens.

Melodyne Studio Editor License current and working fine in CbB.

Edited by sjoens
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  • sjoens changed the title to Sonar: Melodyne Not Working At All
9 minutes ago, sjoens said:

v4.  Do I need v5?

Looks like it.

ATM, 4 Studio to 5 Studio is US$149

Maybe try to 30 day trial of 5 Studio.  Just hope it does not bork your Installation of 4 Studio.

Might have to wait for a sale.

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3 minutes ago, Promidi said:

Maybe try to 30 day trial of 5 Studio.  Just hope it does not bork your Installation of 4 Studio.

It will.  Melodyne is not tandem version friendly.  One replaces the other and I passed on the $25 upgrade cause v5 has no 32 bit.  Mistake I'm sure.  Curious if the requirement is listed somewhere as I haven't been able to find it.

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  • sjoens changed the title to Sonar: Melodyne 4 Not Working At All
5 minutes ago, sjoens said:

It will.  Melodyne is not tandem version friendly.  One replaces the other and I passed on the $25 upgrade cause v5 has no 32 bit.  Mistake I'm sure.  Curious if the requirement is listed somewhere as I haven't been able to find it.

The Celemony website states that Melodyne is 64bit only.  It's under “Technical matters” - System requirements

You still using 32bit stuff?

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ATM but I'll be weaning away from it this year as I clear out all the older projects. Then I'll consider upgrading. Thanks.

Misspoke, I have Editor, not Studio, which is $99.

Edited by sjoens
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