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Instrument definition in 2024.

John Vere

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Someone asked in the QA sub forum about this.

I used to have instrument definition set up for my Korg 05R/W but I never transferred that over from my old computer which the OS drive is now long gone. 

Anyhow all the posted links on the internet point to using what was a Download on what must have been the server removed last fall. 
All links from old forum postings and even from within Cakewalk preferences are dead ends. 
I even found a Korg user group posting which was another dead 404 link. 

There’s mostly results that are old Forum postings. One was KVR etc. 

Anyone have a source that is still available? 

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I have the old Korg.ins file(2011) on my BU HDD.  It has the basic instrument definition for the KORG 05R/W as follows:


[Korg 05R/W]
Patch[0]=Korg 05R/W Bank A
Patch[7936]=Korg 05R/W Drums
Patch[7424]=Korg 05R/W Channel off
Patch[7168]=Korg 05R/W Bank G

I was under the impression the old ins files were still available from the Cakewalk site. I can't imagine that Korg *.ins files are not available.  Or is someone looking for a Korg 2024 file?


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7 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

actually, if you have the Sonar X1 installers - someone mentioned it is in the instrument list there.

The earliest korg.ins file I have is from 2003 and it is in a Sonar 3 BU folder.  So I suspect it might be in any Sonar from 3 to X3.

UPDATE: Those are all 336 KB. I also have one from 1999 in a Cakewalk Express folder. That is smaller (205 KB) but has the Korg 05R/W instrument definition.


[Korg 05R/W]
Patch[0]=Korg 05R/W Bank A
Patch[7168]=Korg 05R/W Bank G
Patch[7424]=Korg 05R/W Channel off
Patch[7936]=Korg 05R/W Drums


Edited by User 905133
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7 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

I have the old Korg.ins file(2011) on my BU HDD.  It has the basic instrument definition for the KORG 05R/W as follows:

I was under the impression the old ins files were still available from the Cakewalk site. I can't imagine that Korg *.ins files are not available.  Or is someone looking for a Korg 2024 file?

John was looking for the Korg 05R/W INS file which i believe is different than the overall Korg INS file.

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6 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

John was looking for the Korg 05R/W INS file which i believe is different than the overall Korg INS file.

If the Korg.ins file has the details for the Korg 05R/W it's just a matter of selecting that model from the larger file.  


[Korg 05R/W Bank A]
0=A 00 Sunrise*
1=A 01 16'Piano
2=A 02 AltoBreath*
3=A 03 TinyDancer*
4=A 04 Spruce Gtr
5=A 05 VibraBells 
6=A 06 XFade Bass*
7=A 07 The Strings*
8=A 08 PowerSynth
9=A 09 Total Kit
10=A 10 MachineAge
11=A 11 HotKeys*
12=A 12 Brass Band
13=A 13 Maxi Tine
14=A 14 Power Rock*
15=A 15 Tabla Talk
16=A 16 FingerBass*
17=A 17 LiteVoices*
18=A 18 Color Pad*
19=A 19 Festival!*
20=A 20 GlideSweep*
21=A 21 LastTango*
22=A 22 MagicFlute*
23=A 23 Operators*
24=A 24 E.Guitars*
25=A 25 Gamelan
26=A 26 Zap Bass*
27=A 27 DigitalAir*
28=A 28 Analogist*
29=A 29 MandoTrem*
30=A 30 Space Wing*
31=A 31 Gospel Org*
32=A 32 Trumpets*
33=A 33 Fresh Air*
34=A 34 Rock Mutes*
35=A 35 Dustette*
36=A 36 Picked Bass
37=A 37 ChamberEns*
38=A 38 Wire Pad*
39=A 39 Industrial*
40=A 40 Neutron
41=A 41 PianoHaven*
42=A 42 Shaku Bend*
43=A 43 BowenWave
44=A 44 Clean Funk
45=A 45 SplitBell
46=A 46 Slap It*
47=A 47 AnalogPad*
48=A 48 Residue*
49=A 49 Orch Perc
50=A 50 DreamWorld*
51=A 51 HarpsiFunk*
52=A 52 FlugelHorn
53=A 53 Elec. Tap*
54=A 54 Harmonics
55=A 55 Africana*
56=A 56 TechnoBass*
57=A 57 Airways*
58=A 58 Busy Boy*
59=A 59 Heartbeat*
60=A 60 Spectrum
61=A 61 Full Pipes*
62=A 62 Woodwinds*
63=A 63 Whirly*
64=A 64 LeadGuitar*
65=A 65 Isabelle
66=A 66 FatFretty*
67=A 67 Poppin'Pad*
68=A 68 Soft Horns
69=A 69 ProducrKit
70=A 70 InTheTrees*
71=A 71 SantaClav*
72=A 72 Sfz<Brass*
73=A 73 Tine Pad
74=A 74 PedalSteel
75=A 75 Log Drums
76=A 76 HouseBass1*
77=A 77 Ambi.Voice*
78=A 78 MonoLead*
79=A 79 Hackbrett*
80=A 80 Halifax NS
81=A 81 Drawbars*
82=A 82 Fanfare
83=A 83 Hard Tines*
84=A 84 Dr.Guitar*
85=A 85 EtherBells
86=A 86 Bass/Harm
87=A 87 Air Vox
88=A 88 Drum Hit*
89=A 89 50's SciFi
90=A 90 SteamCloud
91=A 91 Bouzouki*
92=A 92 BriteBrass
93=A 93 DWGS EP
94=A 94 JoyStickUp*
95=A 95 WaveCycles
96=A 96 Rap Bass*
97=A 97 OoooohPad*
98=A 98 Bright Pad
99=A 99 HarpPluck

[Korg 05R/W Bank G]
BasedOn=General MIDI
0=Acoustic Grand Piano
1=Bright Acoustic Piano
2=Electric Grand Piano
3=Honky-tonk Piano
4=Rhodes Piano
5=Chorused Piano
10=Music Box
14=Tubular Bells
16=Hammond Organ
17=Percussive Organ
18=Rock Organ
19=Church Organ
20=Reed Organ
23=Tango Accordion
24=Acoustic Guitar (nylon)
25=Acoustic Guitar (steel)
26=Electric Guitar (jazz)
27=Electric Guitar (clean)
28=Electric Guitar (muted)
29=Overdriven Guitar
30=Distortion Guitar
31=Guitar Harmonics
32=Acoustic Bass
33=Electric Bass (finger)
34=Electric Bass (pick)
35=Fretless Bass
36=Slap Bass 1
37=Slap Bass 2
38=Synth Bass 1
39=Synth Bass 2
44=Tremolo Strings
45=Pizzicato Strings
46=Orchestral Harp
48=String Ensemble 1
49=String Ensemble 2
50=SynthStrings 1
51=SynthStrings 2
52=Choir Aahs
53=Voice Oohs
54=Synth Voice
55=Orchestra Hit
59=Muted Trumpet
60=French Horn
61=Brass Section
62=Synth Brass 1
63=Synth Brass 2
64=Soprano Sax
65=Alto Sax
66=Tenor Sax
67=Baritone Sax
69=English Horn
75=Pan Flute
76=Bottle Blow
80=Lead 1 (square)
81=Lead 2 (sawtooth)
82=Lead 3 (calliope lead)
83=Lead 4 (chiff lead)
84=Lead 5 (charang)
85=Lead 6 (voice)
86=Lead 7 (fifths)
87=Lead 8 (bass + lead)
88=Pad 1 (new age)
89=Pad 2 (warm)
90=Pad 3 (polysynth)
91=Pad 4 (choir)
92=Pad 5 (bowed)
93=Pad 6 (metallic)
94=Pad 7 (halo)
95=Pad 8 (sweep)
96=FX 1 (rain)
97=FX 2 (soundtrack)
98=FX 3 (crystal)
99=FX 4 (atmosphere)
100=FX 5 (brightness)
101=FX 6 (goblins)
102=FX 7 (echoes)
103=FX 8 (sci-fi)
112=Tinkle Bell
114=Steel Drums
116=Taiko Drum
117=Melodic Tom
118=Synth Drum
119=Reverse Cymbal
120=Guitar Fret Noise
121=Breath Noise
123=Bird Tweet
124=Telephone Ring

[Korg 05R/W Channel off]

[Korg 05R/W Drums]

Edited by User 905133
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Thanks everyone. Originally it was a simple matter of following links from the Preferences. It’s a pretty common set up. I have a bunch of old Sonar installers so I’ll try that. 
Then it might still have it somewhere as I am in the habit of saving my download folder before I emptied it to my back up drives so there’s a chance I can scan those for it too.

I remember it was while making a tutorial about using hardware that I included how to find them. They were on the Cakewalk servers then. 

The person in the QA forum is using an Alesis module same vintage. 

Edited by John Vere
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OK that was a 10 second task. I simply scanned C/Cakewalk Content "Korg"   It shows for Splat, Home Studio, CbB and Sonar ( new) I was my onw stupidity of not remembering how to find it from preferences. For some reason that link takes you to the wrong place. You have to know where to browse to to find the files. 


Here's the list with the 05R/w on it. 


Then you connect the dots


And now my Motu can remotely access all 5 banks of patches. ( 450 total ??)  


I see If I can now help the other guy. 


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Hooray! You found it!!!!

 FYI, back in the day, I made my own master.ins file that included all sorts of instrument definitions including variants.  With 4 Casio VZ-8ms I had 4 variants to reflect the User Memory Banks and there was a variant instrument definition for each of the memory and performance modes.  Did that with other gear, too--instrument definitions to reflect  different user bank configurations.  Used easy to scroll-and-spot headers--useful for editing the master file.  (See excerpts below.)

It was a simple matter of using my Master.ins and choosing which instrument definition /  bank configuration to assign each port/channel.

Took a lot of time to set up (and I abandoned the approach when I started using samplers), but it was so easy to use once the Master.ins file was set up.  Fortunately, for the E-Mu Romplers (which housed up to 4 Sound ROMS / SIMMs), one amazingly dedicated gearhead compiled Patch Name listings for almost all of the commercially available ROMs.  So it just meant typing in User Banks or banks for Custom Sound ROMs. Later on a couple of dedicated gearheads each wrote editor / librarians that would output *.ins that included the names of the User Banks!  

Editing DRMs (Dump Request Macros) was also fun!

As for the Alesis.ins files, the one I have from 4/30/1999 8:00 AM shows up as 137KB (Cakewalk Express) while the ones from 9/22/2003, 11/5/2005, and 12/11/2011 all show up as 164 KB.

I am guessing you have the Alesis.ins file, too.  (I had an MMT-8 at one point but I never warmed up to using it--workflow complexity and wonky buttons that had to be pressed just right.


; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.Patch Names

; ===========================================================================
;               PATCH NAMES:     E-Mu
;            --->    P2500 RAM: Electronica in User Bank 0
; ===========================================================================

; ------------------- E-MU P2k: Composer: Bank ROM --------------------------

[E-MU P2k: Electronica: Bank 0 (0)]
0=000^0: rwt:EtherVox
1=001^0: rwt:Movie Magic2


; ===========================================================================
;               PATCH NAMES:     Casio VZ-8m
;            --->    Template [Generic]
; ===========================================================================

[Casio VZ-8m Template]

. . .

; ===========================================================================
;               PATCH NAMES:     Casio VZ-8m
;            --->    Set 1 + PST1 Normal, Op-Mem 
; ===========================================================================

[Casio VZ-8m Set 1 + PST1 Normal]
0=A-1: Dyn VZ Piano
1=A-2: VZ Piano 3
2=A-3: Sharp Vibes

. . .

; ===========================================================================
;            --->    VZ Sets 1 - 10
;                -- + PST1 Normal, Op-Mem
;                -- + PST2 Normal, Op-Mem
; ===========================================================================

[VZ-8m Set 1 + PST1 Normal]
Patch[*]=Casio VZ-8m Set 1 + PST1 Normal
[VZ-8m Set 1 + PST1 Op-Mem]
Patch[*]=Casio VZ-8m Set 1 + PST1 Op-Mem
[VZ-8m Set 1 + PST2 Normal]
Patch[*]=Casio VZ-8m Set 1 + PST2 Normal
[VZ-8m Set 1 + PST2 Op-Mem]

. . .


Edited by User 905133
fixed typos
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LOL.  I looked at the Alesis.ins file and remembered: I still have my ancient Alesis MIDIVERB!  I used it for sure, but I don't think I ever used an instrument definition file. Usually, I just pressed the Up/Down buttons to select one of the 63 reverb settings. 

Edited by User 905133
fixed typos
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@User 905133

My very first reverb was that. If I open any of my original Midi files from the 80’s they all have Ch 13 pG ? At the start. I later got a Digitech delay unit. I used my GR50 and first an MT 32 and then the Korg 05R/w  Then I needed Roland A88?? Midi patch bay to connect it all. 
It all weighed probably over 100lbs. 

My current rig fits in a medium size flight case and is under 20 lbs. Including all cables, mikes, capo and a flask of Scotch.  Not to mention it sounds 100x better.  


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