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28 minutes ago, sjoens said:

Has anyone ever seen or know what this is for:            It appears as soon as I open an empty project in X3.

I also have no CPU meter when playing anything:

Did you try safe mode?

The empty project template may have a 32-bit plugin trying to load by way of BitBridge.

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2 hours ago, sjoens said:

Has anyone ever seen or know what this is for:            It appears as soon as I open an empty project in X3.

I also have no CPU meter when playing anything:

He he, it seems you have the same idea to use X3 as backup, if Splat or CbB cannot be authorized on new systems anymore! ?

In any case I tested installation and offline activation of X3 two days ago. It worked without issue! I could even install over Splat and CbB without destroying something, because I renamed the shared folders before installation and reset them.  Now I am relieved that even in the worst case ...

To your problem: I would try to use a standard project template instead of yours!

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