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New guy says hi

Wing It

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Hi folks. I've just installed cakewalk and had a very quick glance at a few things. So generous that they've given it all away for free. And when i got activated just because i signed in well that made me feel very humble and proud. I somehow feel i know already i'm in the right place with the right software.

A few days ago i got a tip from Deyquan Bowens to have a look at John Colliers audience choir plugin. I had no idea how to use it but eventually plugged my Midi keyboard in and got it going - blew my mind. This was only 3 days ago. That night i downloaded everything else free from Kontakt and realised i needed some kind of recorder, so i Googled that and watched Benn Jordans video "so you want a free DAW" - he recommended Cakewalk which i've just installed.

I play a bit of guitar and have rigged up a cheap Casio keyboard to my laptop and everything works. I hardly know any chords on the kb lol - but who cares :)

I've never been so happy. The good feeling i got today after installing Cakewalk has made me decide that i will buy the latest version.

I'm a singer/songwriter. I realise it'll take a few weeks and months to get things set up properly but i really do feel my journey has begun.

Thanks to all the people i mentioned, native Instruments and Cakewalk.

This is beautiful.

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18 hours ago, Wing It said:

i really do feel my journey has begun.

I remember that feeling....still haven't reached any kind of destination though. Some days I sit in wonder at the world of possibilities contained in that small box in front of me, other days I could cheerfully chuck it out the window. That's just how it is. Some days you're the dog, others you're the lamppost.

FYI in case you haven't figured it out yet the coffee house section is mostly just a stuff and nonsense area, so don't go expecting too much in the way of intellectual stimulus and you won't be disappointed. ?


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Welcome WingIt. Glad you could join us. The Coffeehouse (we call it "down here") is well off the beaten path. But you will find some really good people around these parts. 

When ya need more specific help as you develop your workflow, probably best to ask in another section of the forum. If your unsure, just ask us down here and we will get you to the right place.

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Welcome to the Forum Wing it,

Cakewalk by BandLab is an excellent DAW to use and you will receive great enjoyment from using it.  If you get a new plugin or a new audio software,  go to YouTube to learn how to use it.  Most likely, it has been put there from others who have reviewed it already

Here is a welcome gift a few of us got together to give to you.  It's a free VCA Compressor from Softube.  (Click the link to receive it)


Again, welcome Wing It. ?

Edited by jesse g
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On 3/5/2024 at 12:26 AM, Wibbles said:

Welcome to the forum @Wing It 

... although you've arrived just in time for Cakewalk to go back to pay-ware as SONAR.

However, you will be able to carry on using the existing free version, as I intend to do.

That would be Sonar, but hey . . .

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15 hours ago, Wibbles said:

Well done. You win today's prize ...

Well that's nice, and I'm sure it is a top shelf prize, so in the light of that I propose that I relinquish said prize, and have it transferred to the new guy 'Wing It' as a welcoming gesture from this magnificent group of sub dwellers, able to be picked up at any Coffee House thread. Congratulation Sir ? ?

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