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Broadcast Waves - export window rant

jono grant

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Very frustrating working with broadcast waves in the revamped export window design...

- The setting "Always export broadcast waves" in settings used to ALWAYS export broadcast waves (as it should). It no longer works correctly, for a while now. 

- If you export a BCW and then go to export a second one, possibly clicking on an older title to overwrite with a more recent version, it automatically changes it to a regular wave! WTF??? WHY??? "ALWAYS EXPORT BROADCAST WAVES" Is there a way to change that? Guessing not.

Why hasn't this been fixed? It's been broken since the redesign of the export window.

Also, the enter button means "execute" in pretty much EVERY windows process... WHY REMOVE THAT FUNCTION in the export window??? Why???  

It's honestly like someone purposely goes through Cakewalk and decides ways to slow down professional workflow...instead of fixing problems that have existed for DECADES like, terrible notation features... God, just copy Cubase! Or all the video issues. No one wants to edit video in Cakewalk, but many would like to SCORE to a video in a DAW with at least SOME thought put into the design of that. Work with QT and MP4 files properly, simple way to full screen your video. Basic features of literally any other DAW. Just copy them! No more bloatware or free effects... fix the program. 

I saw they were going back to Sonar for some reason...  PLEASE FIX THE OLD, OLD, OLD issues.

Sorry for CAPS lock but please fix the issues in this program. BASIC ISSUES. (more caps)


Is there any place for me to leave a nice long simple list of broken Cakewalk features that someone might consider changing/fixing? Please let me know. ?




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Jono . . . started out as problem with broadcast waves, then it turned into a problem with doing videos and notation, maybe it's the wrong DAW for your needs, or maybe you're expecting it do do more than it does. It's unfortunate that Cakewalk still even has video "capabilities", and staff view is a long way from notation software.

If we focus on the broadcast waves issue in Export dialog . . . have you used the Export Preset "Clips - Broadcast Wave" ? . . . or, have you tried to save a preset specific for what you're needing to do ?

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11 hours ago, jono grant said:

place for me to leave a nice long simple list of broken Cakewalk features that someone might consider changing/fixing?

I guess the “Feedback” sub-forum. 

2 hours ago, Heath Row said:

The Great Wall of China?

Comments like this probably belong downstairs in the Coffeehouse. 
Do you actually use CbB?


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6 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Do you actually use CbB?t

No, not any more, I do follow it though after using it from Pro Audio 9 through to sometime during SONAR Platinum, I think they were still using place names as part of release names, not sure, midway through 2016, anyway. Mainly here for the 'DEALS' subforum, although I do inject a bit of 'humor' where it fits, and after jono's description above, I thought why not . . .

That's one thing I always found even on the old forums with the brethren, no sense of humor, and if anyone dare say anything but praise towards Cakewalk/SONAR, they react as if someone has pissed in their coffee or had 'relations' with their wife. They need to learn to laugh a little, not be so sensitive, it's only a computer program, I don't get all this emotional attachment to companies and programs, as soon as I find something that in my opinion is better than anything I am using and I get confident with my proficiency with it I'm gone, no regrets, no tears, it's just a computer program, not my Grandmother or my Wife, or my only child.

Sorry for the rant, and taking up your time, I do look forward to when 'Sonar' drops and seeing what it's like, I'll likely just look on from the sidelines first and see what's what, then if it pricks my interest/curiosity, I'll install it on my test machine and take a real look at it. Don't think I'll bother even checking out 'Next', but you never know, there is still time to impress ? I'm not looking for another DAW, but I think it's best practice to know whats out there etc, just like I'm doing with my Drum vsti, I have no intention of leaving BFD3, but I still check out everything just in case, so I'll check out that new 'DW' thing.

May your toast never burn, and your coffee be hot ?

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