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Punch in on TTS- starts late

Frank DeFede

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I have almost always had a problem when punching in a keyboard track.  It usually starts late even though the punch area is correct.  Sometimes it works, but not too often. I have tried different methods like playing along with the tracks even before the punch in area, but that doesn't work.  I thought maybe stepping on the sustain pedal may be the answer. I usually do a work around by putting the notes in the missed area, but it is a pain as you can imagine.

Does anyone else have a problem with this? If so is there a solution.

Thanks again for all of your help from this forum.



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Punch-recording is problematic with MIDI because, unlike audio, if you start playing a noted even a millisecond before the punch region, the entire note will be excluded from the recording because the Note On is ignored. You'll be better of just recording a new take in Sound on Sound mode and manually comping it in.

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For what it’s worth I just play the track best I can and then manually fix screwed up parts in PRV.

I don’t think I’ve ever punched in on a midi track using the auto punch. Because I’m a one handed player I just play along and hit the R with my other hand. 

But take note that you might be suffering from latency and so you are not syncing up properly. It’s best to bypass all effects when doing any recording to avoid this. 


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