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Installing 2024.02 offline SOLVED!


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It's great to see that there is an offline activation available for 2024.02. Kudos!

But, what I can't find is how to download the 2024.02 installer file so I can take it to my offline DAW system to install.

What did I miss?


-Jack (old version deactivated in Central Texas)

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OurageProductions: Thanks very much for the Product Center suggestion.

I have downloaded it and am now looking for something in its interface that will allow me to download the offline installer.

Can you show me how that works?


-Jack (dazed and confused for so long it's not true in Central Texas)

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I just found the installer files !!

There are no interface items to directly initiate the download of the installer files.

When you install CbB 2024.02 on your (or my) online computer, it saves the installer in your Downloads folder.

I guess I thought it would be more difficult, but there you are.

Now, to see if it works using the offline activation process.

Many thanks to OutrageProductions and many other users whose assistance here has been vital.


-Jack (still confused, but now I have a plan in Central Texas)



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Opened Product Center on my online computer and logged in to Bandlab with my email address and password.

Installed 29.09.098 on my offline studio computer.

Created crq file with user name of my email address, which I always use to log in to Bandlab.

Got error message in Product Center that said user names don't match.

Tried to log in to Bandlab with user name profwacko and log in was refused in Bandlab, even though it is the user name shown on the attached.

Logged in to Bandlab successfully with email address for user name.

Created crq file with user name profwacko and got the message shown on the attached.

I even tried a crq file with the user name of @user688657..., which is shown on the Product Center screen and on the Bandlab user settings shown on the attached.

I am a retired computer programmer/software engineer, which pretty much made it possible for me to dig into the scraps of data shown here. I cannot imagine any kind of typical computer user being able to get this to work.

How do I proceed?


OfflineActivation Screenshot.jpg

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I just got it to work !!!

The @user6557688... string is indeed the user name shown, but in the actual URL shows the user name WITHOUT the @ SIGN !!

I created a crq file with user657688... with no @ sign, selected it in the Product Center Offline Activation file selection dialog, and it then asked me for the target destination to save the activation file.

Used the activation file to activate my offline installation and drove away at a high rate of speed !! It all worked!

It took me a lot of back and forth between my office with an Internet connection and my studio with no Internet connection, but it DID WORK!

Thanks to all on the team that made this offline activation feature come to pass.

-Jack (grateful to be activated again in Central Texas)

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  • profwacko changed the title to Installing 2024.02 offline SOLVED!
  • 1 month later...

Thanks!!!! What a crazy process if you don’t know the secret password. ? I had no idea how to get this to work either. I was very close after trying all sorts of things, but I hadn’t added “user” in front of the numbers so still failing. You finally set me straight with your diligence. I was able to download all the installers and move them to an offline machine, install and then finally activate cakewalk on that machine offline without ever going online on it. Thanks again for posting your successful offline activation experience! 

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