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Reaper Updated to to 7.11

Larry Shelby

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REAPER 7.10: Occam's REAPER

Changelog items below may include • links to more information.

Envelope window

redesign window using a listview to list envelopes/parameters/etc

add combobox for filtering active envelopes, last touched FX parameters, etc

filter now supports matching Arm, Visible, Active, UI, Mod, Learn

support setting modulation for take FX

Envelope manager

add dockable envelope manager to complement track/take envelope window

support editing all selected tracks, selected active takes


allow uppercase CC in MIDI reset configuration preference •

display length as both quarter notes and estimated seconds

display metadata in source media properties dialog

fix inserting multitrack MIDI onto existing tracks

improve displayed length of .mid files in Media Explorer

in source properties dialog, fix transpose setting being applied as output channel when channel filter is also applied

prevent hanging notes when editing channel filter in media source properties dialog

fix overlapping notes being corrected during humanization when 'automatically correct overlapping notes' is disabled •


action to duplicate items to new lane does not set new lane playing •

add actions to explicitly make all lanes big/small

add actions to explicitly show one/all lanes

preference to add whole recording when auto-punch recording into a fixed lane track applies regardless of whether comping is enabled

preference to allow mouse edits in comping lane to expand media items in source lanes is enabled by default for users who have not previously edited the preference (or related preferences)

track setting to record into first available lane does what it says, even if there is an earlier recording below the new recording

add option (via Options menu or action) for razor edits on small fixed lane tracks to affect all lanes

Media explorer

fix control overlap when window is very small •

fix displaying out-of-tune indicator when pitch detection is enabled

handle active search properly when renaming file •

improve tempo display when previewing MIDI

rename copy/paste actions as 'Copy selected files' and 'Paste files' for clarity


add Menu_GetHash(), to determine if a menu/toolbar has been customized, or if the default menu/toolbar changed after the current menu/toolbar was customized

get_config_var_string() can now be used to query project state in addition to global state

improve behavior when removing selection via arrow keys

improve performance of MIDI_GetRecentInputEvent() •


add project setting to smooth abrupt changes (square envelope points, sharp edits) on volume/pan/width envelopes

use new project setting, if enabled, for envelope smoothing for mute envelopes

improve smoothness when looping automation items with sine or parameteric LFO


add per-plugin option to disable offsetting automation by PDC •

properly restore saved UI size of resizable plug-ins •

Parameter modulation windows

add topmost pin for modulation windows

use modal window preference for initial position


support displaying loudness chart after calculating track/item/media loudness via dry run render

fix project name display when writing render statistics to file •


default paths on new installs use system environment variables rather than absolute paths

report prefetch state (for anticipative FX and pre-buffering) to FX


improve state indicators for routing window mute/polarity/mono/MIDI buttons

Configuration export

support saving/restoring Media Explorer metadata caches (including metadata not yet written to media files) •

Default 6.0 theme

add retina meter mute/unsolo/dim images •

FX browser

when assigning shortcuts and alt-main section enabled, use alt-main section •


fix Sonoma listview checkbox issue


improve mute/unsolo indicators on retina displays with various legacy themes

Mouse modifiers

fix restoring state after using ripple edit mouse modifier •

Pan law

set default for new projects/tracks to hybrid taper •


remove misleading 'ms' label on default media item fade-in/fade-out

Razor edit

fix deleting tiny media items •

Region manager

support setting tracks to render as mono, stereo, or multichannel •


add actions to set loop points to current, previous, or next region


add checkbox in snap settings to snap media item edges to source media start/end •


improve handling of NOT ( list ) •

Tempo/Time signature marker

when adding or editing time signature, automatically reset metronome pattern if there is a previous time signature change in the project with the same numerator •


refresh TCP after actions to select or unselect all tracks •


fix accessing metronome, master track state via projectconfig_var_getoffs/projectconfig_var_addr

support get_config_var(__fx_loadstate_ctx) for VST/CLAP use, see C++ header documentation

Edited by cclarry
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REAPER 7.11 is available, with the following updates:
  + API: fix get_config_var() quirks for Playtime 1.x compatibility [t=288171]
  + Envelope window: fix macOS focus issue with MIDI learn [p=2757628]
  + Razor edit: fix some razor edit actions applying to media items outside the razor edit [p=2757638]
  + ReaScript: fix TakeFX_CopyToTake for containers [t=287880]


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