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Amazing Technology - video


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Amazing Technology video 2 min

I'm switching video editors from Vegas to Davinci Resolve.  This is the first project I finished while learning Resolve.
I got a lot of free (and legal) images from Pixabay and I used some of my own photos. Audio track by me. Just noticed the volume isn't consistent so there's something else to go back and fix.
Thanks for watching.  

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Bravo!  My inner drummer wants to hear the rhythm of the spoken lyrics synced a little more tightly with the music at some points, and a melodic vocal chorus of some sort could help take it to the next level, but overall super-enjoyable. Thanks for sharing.

But, hey Man, just look down there. You're flying! Like... how cool is that!? 

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Thanks everyone for watching and commenting on the video.  
@David Baay
Yeah, I agree on the sync. I had the vocal synced to the beat on earlier versions but it just sounded too robotic to me. So I eased off on that  and went for a more narrator style which went too far the other way. But it was getting late so I declared it done.  ?

So far my impressions of DaVinci Resolve are positive. The workflow takes a little getting used to and some of the keyboard commands are different from Vegas and Premiere.

You can do pretty much everything in the free version. (Can't believe it's free!) The paid version costs $299 and updates are free. Rendering is fast and the results are very good.

About the only negative for me (but a big one) is the inability to have the edit window on a 2nd monitor in full screen view like you can in Vegas.  Don't quite understand the reason - has to do with inaccurate colors on the 2nd monitor which I'm not that concerned with when I'm just cropping video clips. Anyway there's a rumor that an upcoming update will allow previewing on another monitor. 

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