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How do I register on this forum?

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Registration is easy
Use your BandLab account to sign in, create a forum profile and jump right in. 

Don't have a BandLab account? Sign-up here 

Important note for Cakewalk customers 
If you have purchased Cakewalk products in the past and have a customer account, please make sure your BandLab account uses the same email address associated with your Cakewalk account. This is necessary to allow us transfer any assets you may have purchased through your Cakewalk account to your BandLab account in the future.

Trouble signing in?
If, after creating an account, you don't see a confirmation email in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If you continue having  any trouble, please contact support

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  • Jesse Jost pinned this topic
  • 2 months later...

I don't recall BandLab ever saying when your old Cakewalk assets would be transferred. You bought the legacy products from Cakewalk, Cakewalk/Gibson, or Cakewalk/Roland, etc.,  and that company no longer exists. And those products are no longer being officially supported.

I have thought about this a bit, because I have purchased and registered products with Cakewalk going back about 20 years.

My interpretation of the signup with the same email address is that BandLab might eventually offer existing customers an upgrade price for any Cakewalk addons or instruments that BandLab may choose to release in the future.



Edited by abacab
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I'm just hoping to re install my copy of X3. for the vocal/percussion strip, nomad factory blue tools suite, and the VSTs. But i can't get into my cakewalk account and so far I've been unable to reset my password. I thought maybe this was intentional, since the reset password emails don't come through and I haven't gotten a response from emailing customer service.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
  On 10/25/2019 at 9:52 PM, Tim Cameron said:

I am reinstalling my Sonar LE into my computer. I can't get past the setup. I have the redemption code to 

download my version but in setup they are asking for a serial number. Where do I acquire the serial #?



The serial number should be in your old Sonar / Cakewalk account.  You can sign in here:  https://www.cakewalk.com/My-Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fMy-Account

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  On 10/28/2019 at 5:02 PM, Paul Young said:

Why does this forum revert to my name instead of my forum nickname.  I am constantly reverting back.  Is someone trying to hack my forum account.


Look under your forum profile > account settings > display name. It should tell you how many times your display name has been changed.

If it has been changed, but not by you, that would definitely be something for support's attention!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/25/2019 at 9:52 PM, Tim Cameron said:

I am reinstalling my Sonar LE into my computer. I can't get past the setup


Feature, not bug.

Seriously, Tim, I can't imagine what SONAR LE could possibly have to offer at this point when you have access to the full version of Cakewalk (most of the features of SONAR Professional plus another year and a half of development) for free.

Unless you're on a 32-bit OS, don't even bother, Cakewalk will open your old projects just fine and you'll be up and running.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 9 months later...

Whom can I contact please about changing my registered name on this forum?   I want to change my registered name to another name but keep all other details like e-mail address et cetera.  I know I can change my display name.  I'm not asking about that.

I don't want to close my account and start all over again?

Thank you,


Edited by Bill Crockett
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all your info on this.

They told me that there was no need to contact them, as I can do it myself.  When you join this forum, you also create a BandLab account.  You just sign in there, click the profile image top right, select settings and change your name. Scroll down to update.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey all,

I am michael Slayer. I am a newbie at this forum.  I want to know the rules and regulatioms of the forum. Can, amyone please share the rules and regulations of this forum. So, i could avoid any violation and spend some quality time on this forum.



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