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Audiority launches Chief Chorus BBD


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Audiority has announced the release of a faithful simulation of the Boss CE-2 analog BBD chorus pedal from the late ’70s.


Chief Chorus delivers an authentic emulation with reduced bandwidth controls.

Built around the MN3007 BBD chip, this pedal was the first compact chorus made by the Japanese company and replaced the previous CE-1™ sacrificing several features, mainly the vibrato and the stereo output.

Over the 13 years of its production, and thanks to its distinctive sound, this pedal became a solid classic.

Audiority have gone further and added new features like trimmers to set the maximum rate and depth, tempo sync, stereo spread and balance of the chorus effect, allowing to set the pedal to act as a vibrato.

The plugin comes in VST/VST3, AU, AAX and CLAP formats for Windows and Mac, and is on sale for the intro price of 29 USD/EUR until March 4th, 2024 (regular 49 USD/EUR).

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