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Cannot get rid of uninstalled VSTs

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Hello.  Please can someone explain why when VSTs are fully uninstalled they still appear in the VST list when starting a new project?  For example, I originally installed Spitfire Labs and BBC Symphony Orchestra, but then decided they were not suitable for my purposes.  I therefore completely uninstalled these VSTs.  I even uninstalled Cakewalk and then re-installed it in the hope this would rectify the problem.  Does anyone know how to fix this glitch please?  I have attached a screenshot so you can see the VSTs that are still listed (I only use  Addictive Keys and Garritan CFX).  Many thanks, Chris


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What I often do is open plug in manager and Exclude the plug ins I don’t use. Then one day down the road I change my mind it just takes a few seconds to bring it back to life. This might happen when you open an older project you forgot you used it in. 
Unless an instrument uses a sample library, plugs ins generally don’t take up much storage space. 

Ones with the libraries I uninstall them in windows settings Apps. That way it removes the library and the .dll from all the folders. Some plug ins might be in more than one folder. 

Edited by John Vere
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Yes, a full rescan is in order.

If the new scan finds them again, it means that the uninstall process left the DLL's in your plug-in folders. Look in C\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 and whatever folder you use for VST2's to see if the zombie plug-ins are still there, and if they are, remove them.

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I found the answer in the Spitfire forum for BBCSO. I tried the various suggestions and after a bit of trial and error, was able to get it to load.

I basically got rid of the BBCSO .vst3 sitting on it's own in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3. There is also a BBCSO folder there as well. I Renamed the folder (getting rid of the .vst3 suffix.)

I Then went into that folder and pulled out a BBCSO .vst3 file that is in there.

Replaced the earlier vst3 file I had deleted (The one that was sitting on it's own in the common files) with the one I copied. Success!

My guess is the various .vst3 filenames in different spots threw Cake off on which one to use.

I Also made sure to scan when I got rid of the .vst3 and then scanned again after restoring with the new .vst3 so Cake did not get confused.

I might not have had to do all this, but it worked (finally) so I'm temporarily a computer genius!

YMMV, But I hope this helps.


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  On 1/26/2024 at 8:15 AM, OutrageProductions said:

The rest of us figured this out last August, so you're catching up...


Damn! You mean I'm not a computer genius?!?

Still, none of the posts in this particular thread are very old, so I feel it still might be helpful to some.

I didn't have to use BBCSO for quite a while so I can't be sure how long it was broken for CW. I had thought it was a recent problem.


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