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If Debussy had a Moog


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If Claude Debussy had a Moog.

Back in the early 70s Tomita did a version of Debussy's Reverie that I've always liked. Here's my version of Reverie in the Tomita style.

Thanks to www.classicalarchives.com/midi


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Edited by bjornpdx
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KSBand, Outrage Productions, Nigel    thanks for the comments  

Just to be clear,  I used midi files from  classicalarchives.com.  I replaced the intended piano vst with electronic genre sounds, trying to sound like something Tomita might have created. 

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OutragePro   thanks I appreciate the comment.  It took a bit of experimentation  to come up with something that I like.   Tomita used  whistle type sounds in the melody which doesn't seem like it should work, but it did and it gave him his unique signature. 


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