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ACE FREHLEY On New Album “10,000 Volts”: “It's Same Guitar Playing Style As On The First KISS Album”

Old Joad

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This is THE guy that inspired me to pick up guitar back around 89. LOVE his first solo album, but haven't been able to connect with any of his solo work since.

I will always be forever grateful for all the great original Kiss music Ace helped create and for him inspiring me to pick up the guitar. ?

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I'm a huge KISS fan, and I love all those old records, but I'm not sure how one would go about determining any significant difference between his style from album to album, or decade to decade. By comparison, you listen to Glen Tipton's solo on Victim of Changes and to what he played on Painkiller 14 years later - now that is a rather drastic change.

I bought Anomaly (2009), which I thought wasn't bad, and then the following one (Space Invaders) - even ordered the CD - but that time I just couldn't get past all the compression and the limiting and I figured that I have enough Ace's music to listen to in my library without putting myself through that kind of torture.

I still like to rock the old t-shirt on occasion and show my support, though. 


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