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Last night's pig


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                                                When I was a just a little boy !  My Mamma told me ,                                                    


                      Son!   When you eat something and nobody sees you eat it , it has no calories .


               Wait a moment . The Spirits are contacting us! I think We are about to get something ...


           I am seeing your wallet being released from the ICU after your successful Heart Surgery !



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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Poor guy must not have actually eaten the becan Kenny!  Eating quality (no sugar, uncured) becan IN MODERATION will actually HELP your heart!

Don't fall for Big Pharma's propaganda.  The "low fat" diet has now been shown to be the #1 cause of heart disease!  (But it makes Big Pharma tons of money.)

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1 hour ago, craigb said:

 Eating quality (no sugar, uncured) becan IN MODERATION will actually HELP your heart!


After all the years of knowing you and seeing all the  becan pics you post  I have always thought you were trying to educate us all on what a proper sized lunch portion of becan should look like as per your photo .

1 hour ago, craigb said:

Don't fall for Big Pharma's propaganda. 

I certainly don't ? 

Big Pharma probably made that point clear when they couldn't patent a plant and ran interference for the powers that be  ...I had my first toke in the late 60's

Thankfully  in today's crumbling world I don't have to do 10  years of hard time for possessing  one jay  .

1 hour ago, craigb said:

The "low fat" diet has now been shown to be the #1 cause of heart disease!  (But it makes Big Pharma tons of money.)

I consider what you are saying here an oversimplification of the contributing elements that can lead  to heart disease . There are so many other factors that collectively contribute to the onset .Way too much to list here now so I will spare you all .

For the record I wish I made enough money to eat the way I want to eat ...It certainly  would be more along the lines of Atkins , Paleo , and The Mediterranean  ....

BTW You are not wrong about the lies about low fat I agree w you there .

Have a nice day enjoy your becan :P



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On 1/9/2024 at 9:32 AM, craigb said:

Don't fall for Big Pharma's propaganda.  The "low fat" diet has now been shown to be the #1 cause of heart disease!  (But it makes Big Pharma tons of money.)

I agree.

I went on a ketogenic diet, back when it was called Atkins. I guess the 1990s. Total weight loss was 65 pounds and I've kept it off.

My diet consists of fewer than 20 net carbs per day, and twice as much fat as protein. Most of my fat comes from animal (becan included), nut, and olive oil. I don't consume soybean, corn, or canola (rapeseed) oil.

When I go for my annual checkup and blood test, all my numbers are in the normal range. My doctor says “I'm an easy patient” and schedules me for a visit in another year.  I rarely get sick, one cold every 15 years or so, I haven't had the flu since I got on this diet, and I'm on zero medications.

In my early 70s, my heart was skipping beats. It turned out to be anxiety as people found out how to get my products on the Internet for free, and it took the technicians over 4 days to figure the cure. And the cure was I had to rewrite the code on over 500 products, and it took about a half hour for each.

During the diagnosis process, my doc sent me to a heart specialist. He did all the tests, heart, blood going to the heart, blood going through the extremities, and a heart monitor worn 24/7 for over a week. The result was my entire circulatory system was as good as a healthy late 40 or early 50-year-old person.

So IMO the low-fat diet is wrong for me. We are all different, so I don't know if keto would work for anyone else, but it certainly works for me.


Insights and incites (but not medical advice), by Notes ♫

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