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AutoPitch? Is this available for Cakewalk by Bandlab?


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The "autopitch" functionality provided in CbB comes from Celemony's Melodyne. Melodyne Essential is included with a lot of paid-for DAWs (was also included with SONAR back before it converted to CbB), but you would need a version of Melodyne installed to access all of those features from within CbB. Most DAWs that support it will run Melodyne; it is independent of the DAW host and can be run in standalone mode as well.

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4 hours ago, tdehan said:

AutoPitch?  Is this available for Cakewalk by Bandlab?  If so, where can I find it?


This excellent free bundle includes (among 36 other useful FX and utilities) an Autotune-like plug-in, MAutoPitch.

If you download the bundle and like what you see/hear, sign up for their newsletter and get a 10 euro credit. Combine this with a referral code (if you need one, go to the Coffee House/Deals forum here and ask), and you can upgrade the MFreeFX Bundle to the "pro" version for about $10 total. The plug-ins in their free state work just fine, the upgrade enables some extra features. For 10 bucks, though, very worthy purchase.

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