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Spiral Galaxies (In My Tea)


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So, no, I didn't come up with the title - a musician friend* came up with it and said "Hey, write a tune for it".  So I did and this is the result.  Some spacey arpeggios and guitar.

* From the Heather Dale band - check them out https://heatherdale.com/

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Xoo , Great production !  There's a Lot of Cool stuff in this one. I Loved the bass line after the breakdown. If you do any further work on it , I think some "tabla drums" would fit in Perfect around the 3:35 mark , when the vox like chanting comes in . Playing under the Indian(ish) bass instrument they would reinforse the vibe of that section.

Enjoyed it ..    mark

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Thanks - I hadn't even thought of the "Indian" bass sound, but I see what you mean (it's actually just a Rickenbacker 4003 through TH-U amp sim effects).  I'll think about adding more into it - the risk is of course then it never gets finished ?

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From the title I was expecting something more spacey/ambient and enjoyed your creation from your friends suggestion. My favorite instruments are electric guitar and bass and enjoyed the playing of both in your song. I would have been tempted to mix them a little louder so they stand out more, but the song is very good as is. If you decide to add tabla I agree that would add another enjoyable dimension. I wonder what instruments you used if you feel like posting about that. Good job, and you have some other interesting songs posted too.

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Instrumentally, it's a weird one - I'd just got a couple of Cherry Audio soft-synths in a Humble Bundle, plus a free one (SEM) so after playing with a couple of them I decided to use *just* Cherry Audio* synths (I did cheat and used BFD 3 for the drums to be fair) - plus real guitar and bass of course.  There's also a couple of samples I threw in at a couple of points.

* Cherry synth list:

3 instances of Eight Voice
2 instances of Polymode
2 instances of DCO-106
Surrealistic MG-1 Plus

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