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Softube Boxing Day Sale Until Dec 28th

Larry Shelby

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Hmm. Guitar bundle says it’s cheaper than it is when you get to checkout. 

edit: same with synth bundle it seems. 

Instead of giving a bundle price both just seem to add up the sale prices for the plugins. 
have contacted support. 

Edited by MrFigg
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Their site really delivers sucker deals on bundles.

It tells me if I own a component of a bundle but offers me the bundle as if I don't own anything.

Case in point: these two bundles.  Note, I own all the components for each but I'm still offered the bundles. Sheesh!

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In this case I looked at the bundle and thought wow!!! Speaker Shaper and Eden are in there plus a bunch of amps all for €99. €25 each. Bargain!!! But then I broke it down. I don’t need speaker shaper as I’ve already got a whole load of stuff which does the job most probably better. Would maybe pay €20 for it. Eden is nice but I passed when it was €35. Would buy it for €25. Which meant vintage amp room plus an extra amp for €54. Wouldn’t pay that if it was a separate bundle. That in addition to the fact that I’m already covered for all of the included amps.  Those sneaky Softube folk nearly got me. But not this time. Oh no, not this time. 

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