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MIDI channel doesn’t change in event list

MIke Anderson


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In Cakewalk the tracks header overrules all other info. 
Example in TTS -1 you open the GUI and change Ch 1 instrument to a saxophone. If the track header says “ None” it will remain as a saxophone. But if you enter any other choices in the track header the minute you start playback it will change to the choice you made there. 
Generally all the info in the track header including the name and volume and pan becomes imbedded in a saved midi file. 

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I use “RechannelMIDI=1” in the “Cakewalk.ini” file. (Preferences - File - Initialisation File (Advanced))

Then, when I bounce MIDI clips, the MIDI channels of all MIDI events in the resultant clips will change the match the MIDI channel of the MIDI track they are in.

Of course, for this to work, your MIDI tracks need to be set to specific MIDI channels, rather than “None”.

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Sometimes I just "select" the track number to highlight all clips/notes and change the MIDI channel in the CB Event Inspector module.  This should also update the Event List.

To go along with John's comment, if 2 tracks go to the same synth, the channel and sound they play is determined by the track header Output assignment channel, not the note channel.  Event List only reports note and event channels.  Note and event data can be on any or multiple channels within the track but will still play as expected.

Edited by sjoens
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14 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

Yes, it updated the channel for all events as seen in the Event List, but it didn't change the channel widgets in either the Inspector or the track header and it didn't export with the midi file with the newly assigned channel.  It still used the channel as assigned in the channel widgets.

That's because the 2 are unrelated on that level.  The OP was about why this didn't happen.  I was explaining how to update the note data.


17 hours ago, MIke Anderson said:

I have a MIDI track on channel 2, when I assign the track to a new channel the event list still shows channel 2.

Event list only reports note data, not track settings.  If you want note data to change with the track setting, it has to be done manually in PRV, Event List, or Event Inspector.  However, as mentioned, the entire track is governed by Track Channel # assignment no matter the note's channel # ... unless the assignment is "None".


17 hours ago, MIke Anderson said:

I want to export the track to a MIDI file and I want the data to be on a different channel.

Change it in the Inspector or Track Header Output Channel dropdown, or "widget" as some call it, as you did.


17 hours ago, MIke Anderson said:

Is it possible to change the channel in the raw MIDI data?

Note channels are part of the note, like velocity, and are changed in Event List, PRV right-clicking the note, or by selecting all notes and changing them in the Control Bar Event Inspector module.  However, no matter the note channel, all notes will play on the channel set in the Track's Output Channel dropdown.

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If you play around with the settings in the track header they seem to create hidden data that does not actually show anywhere else in Cakewalk. 
So this can confuse people expecting to see the data in the event list. 
It’s easy to test all this using the TTS-1 as example. 
Open the TTS-1 and change any settings you like, program, level, pan even the effects.
if you do not touch any of the controls in the track header or the track inspector Midi strip those settings will remain unchanged. 

The settings in the track inspector will all say none. But change the settings on the reverb in the inspector and you will see the reverb send in the TTS1 move too. 
But now if you set the reverb in the TTS1 GUI as soon as you start playback it will jump to the position of the Inspector controller. 
So for any one making Midi files to share they are better off using the track header and midi inspector to embed data and names. 
This way any one can play the file correctly on any GM playback system. 

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if one changes "inspector" to "MIDI controller" and it becomes more clear as to the relationship ? some things are and can be controlled in the MIDI itself (and depending on the "player" ability to respond to those embedded signals) will determine the outcome from a MIDI perspective. otoh, the "MIDI controller" is, erm, still in control within the DAW and it's controls are being applied throughout the processing.

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