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Split with alt key, selects the splitted part


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Hi. I think it makes more sense and it would safe time if when you split a clip using alt key and selecting the region because you want to delete it, in my case silences in a dialog, it automatically selects the part you're selecting and not the left part too. Thanks! Good day.

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There is an option in Preferences for the which side of the split is selected by default. I forget what that defaults to but mine is set to left, so you can only hit the delete key every second split that way (split start, split end of silence, hit delete key).

Also, bear in mind that there is a Process->Remove Silence that you may want to check out... you can set dB level/duration/tails for editing a track and it will remove all of those sections in one quick pass. It works very well for dialogue editing when you have only one track and no worry for alignment to other tracks.

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Thanks a lot. I didn't find these options, but they still don't have the option to select the middle part only. But it helps me to customize de fade. Awesome.

I know about the Remove Silence option, but for me automatic things like that or applying a gate never works. There are many variations in the background noise, breaths, turning the page, volume of the voice... sometimes it chops the clips in million parts, sometimes it does nothing.

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  On 12/20/2023 at 6:44 PM, OutrageProductions said:

The split options are to keep left/right/both/none, so I'm not sure what "the middle" would be...?


If you use alt key to select the region all at once, that would be the middle. Now I'm changing the method and splitting at the beginning, then splitting at the end, and the left part is selected. But in every case I have to make 3 moves instead of two, selecting the region and delete. Not a big deal with a song, but it is for a 30 min. project every couple weeks.

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  On 12/20/2023 at 7:05 PM, Len said:

selecting the region and delete


This is not technically a split (hence the confusion), but a lot of which method you are using depends on how far you need to zoom to see what you are doing. When that zoom makes the region larger than the track view, splits tend to be faster; but if the entire region is in view, ripple delete can be the faster method.

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Ripple delete moves the following parts , and simply delete doesn't give me the automatic fades. That would be a better option: automatic fades when deleting, just one hand in the mouse and the other on the delete key.

Edited by Len
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