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SOLVED: Sample rate conflict between my audio interface and windows10

Wojtek Stecyszyn


I have a some sort of sample rate conflict on my laptop.

Here is the riddle: Cakewlkreste41000.thumb.jpg.d067a35fcd0b1ebfb59c8851c735a827.jpg

When running Cakewalk or any other software (other DAW or stand alone instance of Kontakt) it stops sound from any other program, like my music player, VLC player or web browser. After closing Cakewalk I need to disable and reenable (or just plug off and plug in) my audio interface to make all work again.
 Interesting: when I have the music player opened first and THEN I open Cakewalk its OK and all works fine. But other way around - CbB first and then player -  the player is silent. 
And this is the screen that CbB and Winamp (yes i still use Winamp) shows me (attachment) when I disconnect and connect audio interface while the issue persist. When I hit OK in CbB this seems to fix the issue, but now the sound I get from player, web browser  are about one tone down in pitch, and beside I don't want to work in 44100, but 48000. So I switch in CbB from 44100 back to 48000 and then sound in Winamp is back to normal and everything works fine ...untill I close Winamp (or web browser ect) and reopen and the issue is back. 

Another thing that I've noticed: when this issue occurs I can switching my Windows default playback device from my audio interface to Windows Realtek driver and then  I will get the sound of Winamp, web browser ect. fom my laptops build in speakers and CbB off course stays on my audio interface routing (as its bypass windows settings and hoes directly to chosen output).
I tried to disable my windows stock audio driver (Realtek Audio) but it does not help (it is set of course to 24/48000 like CbB btw)
Im using Tascam US 144mkll audio interface with dedicated ASIO drivers and it does operate in both 44100 and 48000
Reinstalling the audio drivers from audio interface does not solve the problem.
Any advise will be appriciated

Cakewlk reste 41000 ll winamp.jpg

Edited by Wojtek Stecyszyn
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But what you are not understanding is the Realtek ASIO driver is invasive to Cakewalk and contaminates the Audio set up. 

You do not need the Realtek ASIO driver to use your on board audio system. It will work perfectly fine using windows audio driver.

I thought that was made clear in the video but maybe it isn’t clear enough. 

With my laptop I mostly only use the Realtek audio system for my live shows both playing backing tracks and using Cakewalk as a VST host for playing keyboards in a band I’m in. There is no Realtek ASIO driver installed. 
I’ll use the Same laptop with an interface from time to time. 
I have 4 computers that I switch to on board sound from time to time and none of them have that driver installed. 
Staff at Cakewalk even warned people to remove the ASIO driver in Reg Edit. It seems the only way to remove any invasive ASIO drivers. Like Magix, Steinberg and Fl studio I think is another.  

Edited by John Vere
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Thank you @John Vere  Aaccording to your video my set up seems all right except that I cant set the device in "Record Latency Adjustment" to my audio interface. Each time I try it goes back to Realtek ASIO. Although I disabled Realtek and even tried to uninstall, but its stays on my laptop :( I dont know if this is the reason to my issue.


Edited by Wojtek Stecyszyn
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Another interesting behaviour that Ive noticed is that when I run Cakewalk alone I have all options (different bit depths and sample rates) in my windows sound>>playback>>proprieties>>advanced, but when I launch other application like winamp or web browser and the issue described above occurs then I have only 16 bit depth option there and no 24 to chose from. Only when I close all programs and disable and reenable my device then all options are back



CbB windows sample rate screen shot 2.jpg

Edited by Wojtek Stecyszyn
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Only one thing seems to be out of sync and is bit depth of my interface input (line in)  in recording tab of my widows sound settings in my audio interface line in advanced proprieties. I have there 48000 sample rate (as CbB)

BUT I HAVE ONLY ONE CHOICE IN BIT DEPTH and its always 16, no option for 24 ...strange as my audio interface says 24 (although it calls it Bit Width) and I do have in CbB  Audio>>Driver settings>> Audio driver bit depth 24 and its greyed out, so its forced to 24 by the audio interface and I cant change it - yet in windows settings of my audio interface I have only 16 option :(

only 16 line in.jpg

Edited by Wojtek Stecyszyn
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  On 12/19/2023 at 6:06 PM, Glenn Stanton said:

ah, so first - disable the RealTek ASIO - as it is possibly one of the worst drivers anywhere... do not remove it as it will only reinstall itself - disable it and all RealTek ASIO related drivers.


I tried to disable it via windows sound options and via device manger - no good. My issue still persist. 

  On 12/19/2023 at 6:20 PM, John Vere said:

In the video I very briefly show the way to delete it is using the Reg Edit app. You will find it under ASIO. Sorry it very quick in the video but if you pause it there you’ll see it’s somewhere near the end. 


I think I will stay with Realtek as I often take my laptop out of my studio and use it on the road (watching movies and sometimes do some simple editing like cleaning clips in CbB) and I need to use it when audio interface isn't connected. If I was 100% sure that it is Realtek driver that cause issues I would get rid of it or try to replace it with other driver (also other than my ASIO from audio interface). I guess I will have to learn to live with my issue and use way around to make all work ...until the day that I will buy new audio interface and hopefully it will solve the issue.  

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  On 12/20/2023 at 4:01 PM, John Vere said:

You do not need the Realtek ASIO driver to use your on board audio system. It will work perfectly fine using windows audio driver.


Now that one piece of information might change a lot. I thought that when I uninstall Realtek (and delete its register) I might loose the option to use my soundcard outside Cakewalk. But now I might give it a try and get rid of Realtek.

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You don’t uninstall the Realtek driver.  you need it or the onboard system won’t work. You only are removing the ASIO driver in the Reg Edit app. 
Some people do completely remove the on board audio system driver because if you always have an interface connected then you don’t really need it. But this is not really necessary.
It’s just that some installs of the Realtek Audio driver also includes an ASIO driver. Not all do. I’ve only seen it show up on 1 of my computers.
I don’t think it’s part of the Windows update type generic driver so it must come when you use the original drivers supplied by them. 

Edited by John Vere
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The folder . and  it’s safe as most of us have done this at least once. If your nervous about the Reg editing app there’s a way to back it  up. I don’t personally think it’s necessary. And if for some weird reason you want the diver back it’s easy to reinstall it I think it’s available on the web site 

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