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Cherry Audio - free SEM synth


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Yes to all the above.

This is where it began.

Tom built this to run with a separate device he built, a sequencer!

Then beefed it up to 2-voice, followed by 4-voice and finally the 8-voice.

A true masterpiece!

I already own Cherry's fabulous 8 voice, so this is real gravy for me.


That said, I do own (sitting in storage) a 4-voice (hardware) SEM that was gifted to me after the owner took 2 of the SEM modules and the programmer to turn his 6-voice (we were using it for guitar synth so 6 was all needed) into a full blown 8-voice. I was gifted the remainder. Keyboard is internally electronically disconnected but easy to re-connect. No programmer however. Two original SEM modules! In my current situation I sadly have no room to bring it in. So it waits patiently for the day of my return. ????

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14 minutes ago, satya said:

I wanted the Eight Voice instead of this but this too is nice

Yes! The 8-voice is astounding. It was the first synth I bought from them. I got their' Voltage Modular for free previously and was very impressed.

Know that this single SEM truly is as excellent and "perfect" as the modules in the 8-voice.

I like their stuff. Not only beautiful virtualizations of the analog originals, but priced so inexpensive that most of us can afford them.

I have of theirs:

Voltage Modular




Stardust 201

Oh, and of course now the SEM!


and use them often!

Edited by Keni
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