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XLSX - Sometimes the way forward is backwards

XLSX Music

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Hi everyone,

I've just released my debut album which has all been done in Cakewalk.

I've been using Cakewalk since around Sonar 8 but only started learning to use it properly over the last couple of years.

I'm a solo artist and I'm doing absolutely everything myself so I'm really proud to have completed a full album and I'm very happy with the overall quality.

I used Cakewalk in conjunction with Addictive Drums, Slate All Access plugins and Slate VSX headphones.

I would love any feedback on the album as it will help me improve on my new work. And if you like it I would be massively grateful of a follow/like etc.

Links to all sites below.


Stranger Things seems to be my most popular song. ?

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48 minutes ago, KSband said:

Listened to I Want You, good sounding production and well written song. I found the guitars kind of jarring when they come in, pretty loud, otherwise very nice.

Thanks so much for checking it out. I'm glad you liked the song and production. As for the guitars coming in, I did want it to be a little bit jarring and unexpected following the intro but I appreciate that's not to everyone's tastes.

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I just listened to the whole thing and the first good news is that time passed quickly..... I don't consider myself to be any kind of expert, but overall your mixes come across well listening on my tablet thingy (that has surprisingly good sound all things considered). I agree with the comments re guitars on the song mentioned here. I get what you're going for, but maybe slightly overcooked. For future reference, if asked to name someone here who regularly nails a mix, Nigel would probably be the first person I (and I'm sure others) would think of, so any advice from him should probably be considered to be good advice.

Based on a single listen Stranger Things is probably the stand out track for me. Listened to as a whole the album is maybe a bit one-paced/samey, but I guess you could also just call that consistent. At one point the next song appeared to have the change of pace/mood  that I had been kind of partly waiting for ......and my ears pricked up a little.... Ooh I thought, here we go......that turned out to be an advert, LOL! Anyway, it's all good. On a personal note I would have liked to hear a little more grit in the vocals, but that's personal taste rather than a fault as such. Congrats on finishing the first one. I'll be interested to hear what comes next.



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2 hours ago, paulo said:

I just listened to the whole thing and the first good news is that time passed quickly..... I don't consider myself to be any kind of expert, but overall your mixes come across well listening on my tablet thingy (that has surprisingly good sound all things considered). I agree with the comments re guitars on the song mentioned here. I get what you're going for, but maybe slightly overcooked. For future reference, if asked to name someone here who regularly nails a mix, Nigel would probably be the first person I (and I'm sure others) would think of, so any advice from him should probably be considered to be good advice.

Based on a single listen Stranger Things is probably the stand out track for me. Listened to as a whole the album is maybe a bit one-paced/samey, but I guess you could also just call that consistent. At one point the next song appeared to have the change of pace/mood  that I had been kind of partly waiting for ......and my ears pricked up a little.... Ooh I thought, here we go......that turned out to be an advert, LOL! Anyway, it's all good. On a personal note I would have liked to hear a little more grit in the vocals, but that's personal taste rather than a fault as such. Congrats on finishing the first one. I'll be interested to hear what comes next.



Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to the whole album Paulo and thanks for your feedback. I'm glad that you enjoyed it a bit and your observations are all pretty valid I think. Stranger things is definitely the track that seems to be the most popular.

As for grit in the vocals, I'm not sure if I can manage that, I'm not really a great singer and only started a few years ago when I decided to go solo. I'm gradually getting better I think ?

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20 hours ago, Sal Sorice said:

As someone who is still learning Cakewalk and mixing, etc. (classical piano background) I think you did a great job! I'm still trying to get brave enough to finish and put out something for others to critique. Congratulations for taking the plunge!

Thanks Sal, it's definitely a big step releasing your own stuff. I think in time you learn to just let go and get it out there. Normally after 'Final Final Mix 12 b (Final2)' ?

Good luck with your stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, mark skinner said:

Very Nice and clear mixes. For future songs I think more "low" harmony would ground the vocals a little better. Especially in songs with such high melody lines.  Great album especially for a debut.       Enjoyed it ..  mark

Thanks for listening and your feedback Mark. I'll bare that in mind about looking for lower harmonies. I think I just automatically think about higher ones for some reason.

Glad you enjoyed it. ?

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8 hours ago, XLSX Music said:

I'll bare that in mind about looking for lower harmonies. I think I just automatically think about higher ones for some reason.

I think we all do .   But ..  a quiet low harmony and even "whispering" under a lead vocal can add a tremondous amount of thickening .  It's So much easier than singing higher .  No reason not to try it , even before your high harmony's are done.            ms

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