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Changing a MIDI note selection to have a minimum velocity requirement


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I found this thread but the find/change idea which seems like what I want didn't seem to work for me:


I want to take a selection of MIDI notes and keep the maximum at 127 but insist the minimum be 110 or whatever.  I couldn't seem to get find/change to do that but it could be user error.  If anyone has done this exercise before I'd appreciate any thoughts on how to do this using find/change.  Or any other simple way without using an external product.


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Learn how use transform function in the Piano roll view, it's essentially a box shaped graphic where you grab notes on a selection or a whole track and do a global style push and pull of velocities above or below a threshold that you create. Very powerful tool.

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Just a warning that 127 max is often not always the best sound from some midi instruments. Like hitting a piano the hardest it can be harsh. Don’t use velocity for volume unless that harshness is desired. 
Sorry I don’t have an answer but I’m sure there’s lots of options for this like a CAL script or just buy dragging the velocity lines like I do. 

Edited by John Vere
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The right tool to use and how to use it depends on whether you want values between 110 and 127 to be raised proportionally.

One key thing that's often overlooked about using Find/Change is that it needs an initial selection on which to operate, so you need to start by selecting the clip or part of it either in the track view or the PRV.

To just bring the velocities below 110 up to 110, Enter Min and Max of 0 and 110 in the Find dialog, and 110  for both Min and Max in the Change dialog.

To compress everything upward proportionally, you need to know what the lowest velocity is; if it's not known and not easily found, LoVel.CAL can find it for you. Then enter that as the Min in the Find dialog with 127 Max, and enter Min/Max of 110/127 in the Change dialog.

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Thanks David Baay.  That seemed to do the trick.  

I'm working with string section and sometimes midi velocities that are too low stand out sounding funny.  When I find the sweet spot # I want to make sure everything is at that velocity # or more.  I don't want to just scale everything because things can get too loud or lousy sounding.

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Just to clarify. 

Do you want to adjust all selected note's velocities so that their range converts from what ever the minimum is to what ever the maximum is to go from 110 to 127?

If so, then read on.

To do that with Find/replace, you would need to know what the minimum and maximum velocities are in the selection.  Then enter those values in the minimum and maximum velocity fields of the first Find/replace dialogue box.

Then in the next Find/replace dialogue box, enter 110 and 127 in minimum and maximum the velocity fields.

If you know how to write CAL scripts, A CAL script can be written to do this for you - including the finding of the minimum and maximum velocities of the selected notes.

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Like Promidi said the filter dialogue is very powerful. To be more picky about which notes are changed you can use the filter dialogue. In cakewalk you can use edit / Select by filter. Choose the velocity range then I usually select process / scale velocity by a percent to keep all the notes individual velocity ratios. I have used this several times t tweak note velocities. There are many possibilities with this filter. 

I do think the csmulticompander will do what you want with a couple of movements of the sliders. 

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