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Track Folder MSR Button Behavior


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To be fair your video shows you clicking at center or below.  It's more like the top 1/4 or 1/3.  The highlight & depress buttons show but when click is released they lock up in the off position.  This only happens with Folder buttons.  Track buttons work flawlessly.

FWIW Ctrl+clicking toggles all the buttons of selected tracks that way.

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To be fair... for the decades that I spent on large format consoles, if you didn't press the Mute or Solo button 'in the center' it would often not work. That was especially true on Neve, SSL, API, Harrison, and any aftermarket motorized automation fader banks like Audio Kinetics. So maybe my aim is just better than yours.

On my screen resolution it's more like the top 3 to 5 pixels, which is far less than the area covered by the active cursor.

You could go into the THEME Editor and modify the target area of the graphic in the GUI if you want.

Or just get over it. Aim for the middle of the button.?

Edited by OutrageProductions
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