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Detachable Console Groups window

SloHand Solo

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Best way to manage views is to save a Workspace that is the way you want things to look. So you could create a workspace that only shows the channel strips and another that just shows the buses. For me I just drag it to the right so I only see the edge of the Master bus, Then I drag it back when I need only the buses. Pretty simple that way. 

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Bottom line: 

the Console is a view. It contains 3 main parts that can be moved horizontally, channels, busses and hardware strips. Those parts cannot be undocked and floated. 

There can only be one console view open in a project. 

All the views can be floated and tossed on as many monitors as your video card can support. Most views have this option. Example the Synth rack.  

You have a valid feature request which would be to add undocking options to the 3 parts. But honestly I think you’re the first person to ask for this and of course it will be a feature request for Sonar. 



Edited by John Vere
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While workspaces / screensets can work to a certain extent,  they're a bit of a heavy handed approach.

The Track Manager ( "H" is the keyboard shortcut ) can store/recall presets,  so you can have as many sets of hidden / shown tracks or buses as you want.

The new Sonar actually has a new button in the top left corner of both the tracks and console views, so you can quickly apply any preset you want without opening any dialogs.

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