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A song about the four seasons!

K. M. Joshi

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Hi, fellow musicians! ?

I have named this track A Dream in Celestia because it's a continued part of my previous song Celestia.

In this piece, I attempt to express a storyline I wrote using music. There are different scenes I have created with the four seasons, the changes as well the perceived length of each season in mind.

My comments on the SoundCloud link contain the storyline, so make sure you check them out as well.


One of my most ambitious projects I have ever attempted — produced, mixed and mastered fully in Cakewalk by BandLab.


Thank you for listening!

SoundCloud Link

A Dream in Celestia MID.jpg

Edited by Kaustub M. Joshi
A proofing error
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21 hours ago, Andrew Ball said:

I love the narrative - really works - and whilst some of the mood changes are subtle some are much more dramatic. You should be proud of this, I thought it was a great showcase. Well done! Andy

Indeed, I made this to showcase my film scoring style. Thank you so much for the kind words, Andy! ❤

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I like the recorded airport PA announcement (I have to remember to do that next time I'm at the airport)
Cinematic for sure to the point of epic-ness. Reminds me of Celestine Prophecy by Christopher Franke (and how obscure is that?)
Might be a bit too episodic but probably your intent.

I like your comments on soundcloud explaining what's going on.
Really good instrumentals and good handling of dynamics.

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17 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

I definitely see this opening, or running under the credits, of a film.
Good solid mix here.
Showcases your style and vision quite well.
You say its "your most ambitious" to date; keep it up!
all the best,

Thank you, Tom! Yeah, it certainly is one of the most ‘cinematic’ stuff I have done in CbB so far! ?

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4 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

I like the recorded airport PA announcement (I have to remember to do that next time I'm at the airport)
Cinematic for sure to the point of epic-ness. Reminds me of Celestine Prophecy by Christopher Franke (and how obscure is that?)
Might be a bit too episodic but probably your intent.

I like your comments on soundcloud explaining what's going on.
Really good instrumentals and good handling of dynamics.


That PA is actually a manipulated speech narrator because I needed it to say customized words. Glad to know it worked well!

Never heard of Christopher Franke's piece but I like the name. Will definitely check it out!

And yes, I was trying to make it a bit diverse...keeping it smooth has been quite a challenge! ? Thank you for listening and reading, Bjorn!

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Really Like this KM. Great work you did. I did not read the comments here on the forum before I listened. As I listened I was thinking I hear a lot of tension, drama, epic sounding stuff. And then I come here and everyone else is saying almost the same thing!! So apparently you are getting the message across!! 

Very good work. I really enjoyed listening to it. Twice!!

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